Wednesday, 3 October 2012

It's Wednesday and that means I visit my nanna

 As everyone knows I go and visit my nanna every Wednesday at the nursing home now there are times when she will have a blank look on her face when we approach but after we speak to her her eyes will brighten and she will appear to know who we are.

Me and mum and my uncle Frank and aunt Pearla visit nan every week in fact Pearla pops in a few times a week after she has finishes work and will help feed nan her breakfast but there is another uncle who rarely visits nan. 

I have always had a close relationship with my nan and I don't know if others get this but when I see her I just see nan how she has always been, I do not see the old and frail woman who is no longer able to walk and who's memory has gone due to alazhemiers. 

I often get very annoyed when I think about how an uncle of mine doesn't like to visit her because him and his wife say they prefer to remember nanna how she use to be and don't like how she has become...............they stopped visiting her when she started repeating herself. 

Last year they turned up on her birthday but not this year last year however I did send them invite the family gathering we had at the nursing home this year I didn't, why not, well they know when her birthday is.................

If for some reason me and mum don't get a chance to visit nan we worry about how she  is and feel bad that we couldn't visit her.


  1. I think it's lovely that you visit. When I worked in a nursing home, we had patients who never received a visitor, and some of those patients had children who lived in the same town the nursing home was in.


    1. Yes I know there are people who get no visitors and I think it is terrible, both me and mum can't imagine not visiting nan every week.........

    2. Some of the visitors who came in regularly would also visit non-relatives who didn't have visitors. I thought that was so nice. And you were right about Jimmy Carter being the first U.S. president born in a hospital.

    3. When we visit nan we will usually talk to Shirley the woman who shares nans room

  2. It's a beautiful thing, and I do believe she still knows you in her heart, where it most counts.

    1. It is great when she looks at us and her eyes light up when she sees us.......

  3. Nice that you visit. Even if she doesn't remember you any more eventually--you know. You remember for her. They can still feel the love. :)

    1. She knows who we are somewhere inside and her eyes will often light up when she sees us

  4. Oh your Nana is beautiful I understand this I have a Mother who is still in her own home and most of us visit often and she is never alone but it is hard to get the whole family together for her as a couple don't want to see her like she is or some other reason they have in their head. There loss for sure. I have no time to worry about them they know where she lives and I am to busy making My Mom happy. Forget them it is their problem not yours. I totally understand. B

    1. Well I have always thought nanna was beautiful and when she smiles her eyes smile too and they will light up.......yes it is there loss those who don't visit her............

  5. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Your grandmother sure know you visit her and love her. My father got weaker and weaker after we lost my mother (his better half) 12 years ago and doesn't seem to recognize me. But I know he does feel me close to me when I visit him. Oh, we cannot avoid seeing love one get fragile, can we!!!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. My pop always thought nan would pass before him but that wasn't the case and for the most part because her memory is gone she doesn't realise he is not with her any is sad to see her like she is but when I look at her I just see my nan.........

  6. Your Nana is lovely :) You are so good to visit her most every week and she obviously know you are there.
    You know Jo-Anne, some people can't handle illness, they can't help it. I am not saying this is the case with part of your family, it's just a thought.

    1. Nanna has always been a woman with a big heart, I know some people have a hard time dealing with illness and something like Alzheimers but it is still annoying for me

  7. How sweet that you visit her--I bet it makes her whole day when you do that! At that point, it's really about the time spent with others, isn't it?

    1. She will light up and say "oh you're here" when she sees us and that makes me and mum happy even if she really doesn't know who we are........although sometimes when we say hi nan it's Jo-Anne she will reply "I know"

  8. I wanted to let you know, Jo-Anne, I will be out of state at a conference next week, so I may not be around to comment on your great posts until then~

    1. I conference you say never been to one of them but then I don't

  9. I, also, think it is lovely that you visit so regularly. I think watching our loved ones age can be difficult esp. if there is illness involved. My grandmother passed away in Feb. at 100 and it was hard to watch her become more frail but she loved having visitors so all of her kids, grandkids and great grandkids visited as they could. I admire you for how you care for your family.

    1. Yes it can be difficult and upsetting to see how nan has become but mostly I just think of her as nanna and I look past the illness......she loves it that Temika comes with us to see her everyweek and Temika loves going to see great nanna

  10. Hi Jo-Anne. I truly do think that it's wonderful that you and your (most!) family visit your nana so regularly. So often old people can be neglected by family when they go into a home. She still looks like a lovely lady. Blessings to you.

    1. There is no way we could neglect nanna she has always been such a big part of the family when we visit mum always applies a little bit of make up to nan as nan was always one to have her face done before leaving the house

  11. This makes me miss my grandpa. He lives in another state and I only get to see him once a year. He's all I have left from my mom's side of the family. I wish I was there to help him out more.

    1. I miss my pop too, it will be two years on the 4th November since he passed away......


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