Last night I decided to try my hand a doodling or drawing or as it turned out failing at
Yes I am not an
To prove the point here are my
I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...
do not TRY to get better these are very childlike and innocent i rather like them. while technique can be learned imagination is what matters most! the most important thing is to enjoy it for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you I won't be trying to get better but I am hoping to see some improvement the type that comes with practice.......I did enjoy giving it a try
Deleteyes you will get better with practice. just like most things :)
ReplyDeleteI hope I do as I did have fun
DeleteI thought so too Joanne since I cannot draw also but art itself can be found in many different things. Have you tried collage making or decoupage? Just make and do and create, you don't need to be able to draw to make something that can be considered art. Husband and I have a great project on the horizon for a piece to hang above our couch in our apartment and no drawing shall be necessary. All we need is a large frame, heaps of glue and loads of cassette tapes from the eighties. I'll will post on my Blog soon. Point is try something else and I am sure you will find some artistry in you somewhere :-D
ReplyDeleteI have made a few photo collages I might take a photo of them and show everyone how I did with them........
DeleteKeep it up!! Everything improves with practice. Have fun with it - that's the point. The more you practice, the more you'll learn about what does/doesn't work for you. Remember: If it comes from the heart, it's art! :)
ReplyDeleteI did have fun with it and you know when I was a teenager I was pretty good at drawing people just not any
DeleteWell, now, you've got to start somewhere! And that first one is actually quite good! I hope you continue to doodle if the spirit moves you :-)
ReplyDeleteYes we all have to start somewhere and it was fun doing them maybe I will get a bit better over time....
DeleteI'm sure of it!
DeleteMaybe drawing isn't your thing but everyone has a thing. I bet you are the best ever at something that the rest of us might never achieve.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's not but I did enjoy giving it a try I am not sure what if anything I am good at but I am not stressing over my lack of
DeleteI think you did pretty dang well for your first go. Keep working at it and you will be amazed. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, nether where artists abilities. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you and it was fun and I will continue to give it a go maybe I will improve with time
DeleteI know you will. :-)))
DeleteOf course you'll get better with practice and I think it's great that you're giving it a go. I'm not sure if you follow Jenny over at the Pearson Report, I follow her and she's taking a drawing class and has been posting her progress. It's been fun to watch. You may want to look at what she's done, she's on her third week.
I know Jenny so I will pop on over and see what she is doing, I think the first most important thing was that I had fun giving it a go
Deletepractice practice practice
ReplyDeleteActually, you can get better. Watch some videos on youtube about drawing. It will really help you in the future attempts.
ReplyDeleteThey do say you can learn to draw but I've never had the patience, I'm sorry to say.
ReplyDeleteYes, you can learn to draw better with practice (and I love youtube videos for learning just about anything). I also think that there are many ways to be creative, too. Collage and mixed media are really fun, too. Don't worry--just play!! Have fun!! :):)
ReplyDeleteI have 2 children who are artists...they did not inherit that talent from me..i have not progressed past stick figures!
ReplyDeletekeep at it!!!!
Looks like the way I draw. Practise makes perfect they say:) B
ReplyDeleteI am def not an artist but the good thing about art is that it can almost be anyway and still be art.