Monday, 22 October 2012

Grandsons, Nieces and a Brother

Last week I was saying how hot it was and today it is cold and wet, I was feeling so cold that I went in and had a hot bath at midday and after my bath I got dressed in my pyjamas why……….well because I am not planning to leave the house this afternoon and may have a nap in a couple of hours after Jessica gets up and hopefully goes home to her place. 

                                                    This photo taken from the internet
Last night I had a terrible night’s sleep, I spent most of the night sandwiched between two little boys Blain and Leo, yes we had both boys here last night along with Jessica. Natasha had to work last night so she asked if we could have Blain, I didn’t have to take him to school this morning as he has been unwell all weekend with Conjunctivitis and a fever and some vomiting so she decided to not send him until after he has seen a doctor.

I was the one who got up with the boys too this morning at 6.45am, I didn’t wake Jessica till I was leaving to go out with my mum at 8.30am I thought  I would be out for hours but as it turned out I was home by just after 9.30am. Mum and dad had to go out to my brother’s place to watch my niece Liarna while he and his with went to an appointment he had with an Orthopaedic Surgeon, a month or so ago he hurt his knee at work by twisting it somehow he was off work for a couple of weeks and has since been back on light duties. It now looks like he is going to need surgery on his knee.

Liarna who is only 2yrs old she will be 3yrs old in January had her tonsils out last Thursday and the doctor said she shouldn’t be going out and about for a week or so just in case she gets a cold, which is why my parents have gone out to his place to watch her instead of my brother taking Liarna over to my parents place.

Mum and dad watch Liarna every Monday the other days she goes to day care, I wish she went to the same day care as Sydney-May and Temika yes my niece Temika has started day care and is going to the same day care as Sydney and Leo. Anyway I think it would be great if Liarna went to the same day care instead of where she goes now, not that there is anything wrong with the day care she is going to I just think it would be cool if all three girls were at the same day care.


  1. I hope you got to take your nap. It's so difficult to sleep with children in the bed. They kick and wiggle and move all over the place.


    1. No nap yesterday so an early night for me so of course that means an early morning I am getting use to being up at 6.30am and in bed around 7.30-8pm.....

      We have a bed for the boys but they prefer to sleep with me and papa........

  2. Hope you get your Nana Nap this afternoon.
    Never had little ones sleep in my bed as yet.
    Tonsillectomy is or was classed as major surgery. I remember well little ones having their tonsils out as if it was going out of fashion once...I also saw many pass on and that was so sad.
    Extremely painful as have out as an adult, I believe.
    Hope the eye soon improve along with the knee or your relatives.

    1. No nap didn't get around to having one, however I am getting use to the early nights which mean I am up early the next morning.

      I had my tonsils out when I was 5 now days they are reluctant to remove them so I was surprised when I heard that Liarna was getting hers out, however she has been sick a lot with tonsillitis this year.

  3. It would be nice if they could all go together.
    I wear my jammies all day if I am not going anywhere.

    1. Good to hear I am not the only one who likes to wear here jammies during the day

  4. Hope your lovely grandchild gets well.

  5. Hope all are well now! You are such a good Nana- did you ever get your nap?

    1. Didn't get around to having a nap yesterday so was in bed again around 8pm.........up at 6.30am

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh my! I myself had my tonsils out but I was about 10 years old. You must be worrying about your family!!! I hope all will be well soon. Take care of your self as well☆☆☆
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I had my tosils out when I was 5 but I don't remember it, so little Liarna won't remember having hers out as well.......

  7. OMGawsh what a cutie! Other than Mr MB and I we only have MAXimus (the dog) in the bed with us and he's such a bed hawg! Makes me ache! I know what you mean about them being in the same daycare. I've thought about that at times and have actually tried it with my daughter and niece. It can be a bad thing! :)

    1. Yeah last week Temika and Sydney didn't play together at all, but I would like them to get to know each other a bit more and thing that will happen if they are at the same day care even if they don't spend a lot of time playing together......

      I remember the trouble my daugher and her cousin use to get into at know what you mean about it being a bad thing

  8. hope everyone gets well soon and ope you got that nap

    1. Didn't get the nap and don't know if I will this afternoon or not I want a nap more often when the grandkids are here as they exhaust me......

  9. Sometimes I think your story could be told on General Hospital... if we still had soaps, that is.

    1. Yeah life in this family is like a soap

  10. What a run of bad luck with the eyes, throats and the rest of it.
    I bet the cousins would love being together to play and learn all day.

    1. Little Liarna is doing much better since her opp and my Blain is feeling much better too.......

  11. Hi Jo=Anne. I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 5 years old, but 2 years does seem so young. Poor little thing! I hope she is recovering well. I agree with Shelly = you are SUCH a good Nana. Little ones move around so much in bed, that it is very difficult to get any sleep. I hope you managed to get a nap!

    1. I also had mine out when I was 5 and in fact I remember when my daughter Kathy suffered from tonsillitis all the time I couldn't find a doctor to remove them...........Little Liarna has suffered a lot this year with tonsillitis too so having them out may be good thing.....

      We have a bed for the boys but they prefer to sleep with me and papa........

  12. You need some sleep, woman! I hope everyone is well and healthy and happy soon! :)

  13. Gosh, I don't feel so bad about my life after reading all that you're dealing with. I hope everyone is better very, very soon. :-)


Week 10 of 2025

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