Saturday, 6 October 2012

Unnoticed Mistakes

How often do you notice mistakes to late to change it now I am not talking about mistakes in life but mistakes in blog posts or blog comments. You write a post and publish it and then notice that you have made a few spelling mistakes or gramma mistakes but can't be bothered to go back and change them.............or you leave a comment on someones blog and after you hit comment you read it back and you notice a mistake, or even worse you don't notice till much later like you next visit to the blog and you think how could you have not notice the happens far to often to me so much that I felt the need to write a post about

I have also had times when I am writing letters to my penpals that I have made mistakes like forgetting to change the name or I leave in a paragraph that has nothing to do with who I am writing to. You see I do my letters on the computer and change the name and add or remove bits when I do each letter, so it is annoying and embarressing when I notice that I have made a mistake but it is even more annoying when I don't notice and send a letter off to someone with mistakes in makes me feel terrible and sometimes people say something but at other times they don't.


  1. On blog posts and comments and emails...all the time!! LOLOL! But I think everybody does.

    On the letters and pen pals...I hand write them, so the mistakes I make are the same as online--spelling and grammar--LOL! :)

    1. Yes I think most of us make mistakes but is so frustrating when we don't notice until it is too late to do anything about it........

      When I had write a letter if I make too many mistakes I will toss it and start all over again..........

  2. I do that.
    I did that in my last post. Wrote Ringer washer instead of wringer. I didn't even notice til you commented and I've been trying to forget it. Should I edit it? I want to, but most people that read it have probably already seen it. I feel dumb that I did that. As you can see, I am still thinking of it days later.
    Maybe I'll just go change it so I can forget about it.
    I usually proofread and proofread and proofread.

  3. About one in three or four. Check this week's Time Machine, you'll see I say that "two songs go into the top ten, two drop out", when in fact three songs came in and I missed one of the droppers. Woke up 12 hours later saying, "what an idiot!"

  4. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Oh, I DO these mistakes frequently especially in the PC world like you said (^^;) But usually unintentionally so I try not to worry too much. For a Japanese like me, misreading happens sometimes (maybe tense like past, present, future. we don't have perfect tense in Japanese literary) ゚゚・(>_<;)・゚゚ But I'll try my best, haha.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I think it must be harder to not make mistakes when English is not your first language so I think you do an amazing job and I never have a problem understanding what you are saying.......

  5. I am shocking with typos. Happily on my blog I can fix them but comments... too often I will hit publish before realising

    1. It is easy to fix the typos when we notice them but when we don't and hit publish and then much later notice we made silly mistakes that it really annoys me and I wonder if I should go and fix the mistake.

  6. All the time on my blogs and comments. As for letters I had write mine and sometimes my brain is way ahead of my hand that I make a meal of it. Some mistakes are probably there but I don't notice them so my friends probably think what on earth but are too good to say. I've even made mistakes when copying address which my friends have pointed out as well as making mistakes with names spellings... its not intential but its happened.

    1. I am a terrible speller so have to use my dictionary all the time and then there are still words I have habbit of spelling

      Yes I know what you mean about your brain being ahead of your hands it happens to me

  7. I make mistakes all the time I try to catch them before anyone else but some just slip by. As for mistakes in life i life to think of those as life lessons we learn from them, move on and hope we don't make them again

    1. Most of us try to pick up the mistakes but it is so easier said then done and when it comes to life mistakes there are some people who just make the same mistakes over and over again......

  8. LOL! How funny you should post this. I always make stupid mistakes when I post comments and posts.. I wonder if I will make a mistake commenting here. Normally I can't spell and often my mind thinks ahead of my hands so what I write is hard to read much less understand. I change my posts about 10 times in the first hour after I have posted them. I recently sent a "form" email to several people and I forgot to change one sentence when I sent it to my best friend. So she asked if others had gotten the same email and when I said yes, she got angry because she realized I had sent a picture of she and I (from a recent visit) to everyone on my list. She said she had not wanted anyone to see that picture because she didn't like the dress she had on! She hasn't spoken to me since. That was last week. My lesson that I learned is never send the same email out to multiple people if there is anything in it about anyone on your list! Ha! Ha!

    1. I usually write my posts using Microsoft Word first before coping and pasting onto my blog but even then I will still have mistakes popping up.....

      I rarely send form emails because I like to personalise everything but that said I can still relate to what you did with the picture.....

  9. Oh I always make mistakes no matter how smart I think I am at the time. I sometimes wonder if people notice; apparently so:) Take care. Have a nice weekend.B

    1. Some mistakes just slip in there and some go unnoticed by most people but you can be sure someone will notice and it is usually the last person you would want to

  10. I make mistakes more times then I can count. Being dyslectic makes it inevitable... Big Sigh. When I go back and read what I've written I am horrified. I look like a bubbling idiot. Then I had someone say to me, "But we know you and these things are not important in the scheme of things"... Bigger Sigh. Then why do they matter so much to me? Because I want the to look at least somewhat intelligent. :-)

    1. Many mistakes bother the one making the mistake more then they do to I get what you are saying I reckon I make more then I realise.....

  11. I make mistakes all the thyme when I'm leaving comments, and its especially emarrassing because I'm the self-proclaimed queen of grammar. I often right another comment in which I correct the mistake.


    1. All the thyme you say see I noticed


Week 10 of 2025

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