Saturday, 20 October 2012

Blogging When Pissed Off Good Thing Or Not............

Last night I was really pissed off with my sister Sue for talking to our mum in a disrespectful manner and of course I had to write a blog about it, why because I am a blogger and I blog about all the stuff that happens in my life.

Now my niece Heather a lovely girl and Sue’s daughter pulled me up on it by saying this: “ Look I'm not saying what mum did is good or ok but did you really have write a blog over it I mean if you've got something to say to her say it to her face or text her or even private message her there's seriously no need to write a bloody blog over so your little blog buddies can all agree with you and make you feel good about yourself when NO-ONE knows the full story except the people involved”

To which I replied “If I say it to her fact my face would end up I could send her a private message didn't think of that when I was pissed off last night with her” there is also the fact that Sue takes little to no notice of anything I say to her……………..

This made me think do I share to much with my blog friends, did I over step the mark. I honestly don’t know what I can tell you is that I didn’t go and remove the post because that is not what I do. 

Will Heather’s comment change the way I blog, I can’t say only time will tell………………..maybe I shouldn’t blog it when I am pissed off and should wait till I am in a calmer state of mind………….


  1. It is your blog, and your choice of what to put in it.

    1. Yes it is my blog and my choice but I thought I would get other bloggers thought on the topic, Heather made me think

    2. I'm really angry with you and my sista too.

  2. I agree with Shelly, it your blog write what you want... Just saying. :)

    1. I do write what I feel and most of the time I do not think about how others will feel about what I write maybe I should.

  3. It's your business how you want to vent... no reason though you couldn't do both! I'd ask Heather if she goes right to the person she's pissed at first, or vents off to the side to calm down first. You put what is needful.

    1. I do not think it is easy to vent face to face with someone in face when I am pissed off with someone if I am face to face with them I am very calm and often will not raise my voice.........

  4. I totally agree! It's your blog. For goodness sake. like most bloggers this is where we let our hair down.this is where we escape to. Write whatever you want whenever you want. This is the one place that you have complete control ;dont let someone else take that from you.

    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Yes it is and I do not know if my way of blogging will change, but I thought I would get other peoples opinion.

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I agree with others. Altough each of us has own standpoint and opinion, this isyour blog, I think.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Everyone in my family know I blog and I have never given much thought about what I blog but after Heather said something I started to think if I was doing something wrong........

  6. Your blog and your place to vent if you need to.
    Sometimes writing it down can make more sense of why you are upset and you can then go make peace when you have cooled off.
    I really hope that you wont let others influence how you blog

    1. I doubt I will change how I blog this is me I might not write the post when I am really pissed off instead I might wait till I have cooled off a bit. Ok I say that but if I will do it I have no

  7. It is your blog and if your family doesn't like your views then they shouldn't read it. When you feel like your censored you will write less. Keep doing what you do .

    1. I am sometimes surprised how often members of my family read my blog, I don't care if they read it and they are entitled to their opinions.

  8. i blog everything but i dont call out actual people i use euphamisms or change the names to protect the innocent and NOT so innocent.............a friend of mine has been using domino as the go to name for everyone she writes about! lol

    1. Maybe I shouldn't use names when I write about my family I have never given using thier names any thought but maybe I should

    2. On all of my blogs (I've had a few) I always change names of people. So I agree with Timothy. On one of my blogs, I pretended I was a cat having cat fights with my cat family and cat friends. And sometimes I wrote about the things I did during the day but from a cat's point of view. It was difficult to think and write as though I was a cat, but it was a way for me to totally disquise what was going on in my life. And to vent! I didn't have but 2 or 3 followers...LOL! I guess it was too odd!! Ha! Ha! But nobody confronted me for doing it!

  9. Your blog = your rules!! That's my motto. :)

  10. Goodness knows I share so much on my blog I go to great lengths to hide who we are in real life. So, I am the last person to say what to share and what not to share. I blog to help heal myself and others so.....

    1. Maybe I should consider not using family members names when I blog about them......

  11. I am late getting my favorite blogs read so I am coming in behind the others. I struggle with your question a bit. The others are right of course, it is your blog and you can write what and how you want BUT, when it comes to family members decided to put your thoughts and feeling out into the electronic world,.... they didn't sign up for blogging and perhaps they want to remain anonymous.

    The other problem I see is we tend to write more harshly when we are angry just as we speak harsher in real life when we are mad. You can't un-say something, whether you write it or say it..once you put it out there it's been said.

    I have removed one post in all the time I've been blogging as people weren't taking something in the manner I meant it. I am not a blogger that wants to stir the pot, I just want to have some fun. If I make fun of something is isn't intended to be mean spirited. (although I am sure that at times people don't read things like I mean them)

    As for my family, I try to limit their exposure. I do cartoons or use generic names such as Kiddo #1 or Kiddo #2. We have discussed the posts I have done about them and so far no one has taken offense. It's tricky with family.

    I hope you know I am not criticizing. Your blog is very personal and again...that is sooooo your choice. I am merely thinking from the point of view of a family member that is feeling exposed. I can see that point of view as well.

    1. No I do not think you are criticising I asked what other thought and wanted honest answers because I have never given it any thought and wondered if I was wrong, maybe I should not use their names when I write about my family members it is not something I have every thought about.

  12. This ones a hard one as you've always shared your family stories, photos etc... and no one has argued about it before. You've definately posted about arguments you've had and they've come over to leave comments etc... about it but no one before has said anything so I don't know why this time its different. Maybe Heather is just embarrased of the way her mum reacted to your mum and had turned a blind eye to it but then to find out that most people now know about the situation its hard to forgot or ignore it.

    I don't really blog about family and none of them read my blog so I can't say 100% what its like even though I share everything in my letters.

    1. My mum said that everyone in the family know I blog about everything that happens and they should be use to it by now and if they are not happy then they should just leave a comment and say so and put thier point of view across as well........

  13. Hi Jo=Anne. Sorry I'm all behind with commenting. This is a difficult one I think. Yes, of course, it is your blog and you should be able to write what you want to, but if your family actually read your blog, I guess they might not like it if you share family arguments on here. This is certainly not a criticism in any way. It's good that you have somewhere to vent your feelings.

    1. I do not think you are cristicising me you are just answering a question I asked in an honest way, maybe I should think about how my family feel about me sharing everything with my blog friends........

  14. I don't like to spread negatives...on my blog or in real I try not to as much as possible. But none of us is perfect. Probably might be a good idea to wait until you've cooled off, I suppose, but there are a lot of people who vent all the time on their blogs. (I personally don't read generally negative blogs.) You never know who will read what you post, though. Anything you write or show on a blog--well, you must be prepared for anyone in the world to read it or see it. And for you to proudly claim it years down the road. That's my 2 cents. ;)

    1. I also try not to post negative things and I do like to vent at times and yeah I know it could be read by anyone but to be honest that doesn't bother me if I did I wouldn't bother blogging............

  15. I usually don't blog much about people close to me. The reason is internet never forgets. It is all marked there and can become ugly later.
    My daughter says, I am much bold to do this blogging stuff. Guess, it will be a good idea not to blog when you are really pissed off.

    1. I blog about my family on a daily basis it is just me like it or not.........


Week 10 of 2025

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