Tuesday, 30 October 2012

My Brother................Dave

My brother Dave saw Orthopaedic Surgeon on Monday and has been booked into hospital next Wednesday for Arthroscopy on knee to remove torn cartilage from his knee then he will be off work for 10 days then he has to go back see the doctor and find out if he is fit for work again……………..

Speaking about Dave while out shopping with mum this morning she told me that last week when she was at Big W she was chatting to a member of staff who told her that Dave was her hero that he came to her defence when she was being bullied by a customer.  

According to mum the woman was on the service desk when a man came into to return something and wanted his money back but for some reason he couldn’t get his money back…………….I know if you don’t have your docket they will not give you your money back but may give you’re a store gift card instead………………..Anyway this man became very irate and threating because she was unable to give him his money back the woman said she would call the manager who is another women, well as my brother has been on light duties he has been working in the office and was there when the manager got the call to go to the service desk so she asked Dave if he would go with her and he did.

So Dave and the manager go to the service desk and the man was still yelling and acting in an intimidating manner which got worse when the manage said that no he couldn’t get his money back he tried to get into the woman’s face but Dave pushed her aside and stood between the man and her so he got right up in Dave’s face yelling and swearing and threating to hit him…………..Dave calmly said stop saying it and do it when Dave wouldn’t back down and showed he wasn’t intimidated by the man he backed down and stormed out of the store…………………

The women kept saying to mum that Dave was so awesome and brave and amazing for standing up to the man, this doesn’t come as a surprise to me or really any of Dave’s sisters we have always know our brother is awesome…………be it annoying but awesome…………..


  1. He's a brave guy, that's for sure. Good for him!

  2. How cool to have a brother who is willing to do something like that to help someone else who is in need. I can see why you think he is the best thing ever. :-)

    1. That is just the way he is and I am proud to be his sister

  3. I hate it when customers try to bully you. Your brother is amazing to get involved in such a horrible situation

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, I admire him for his bravery!!! Looks so happy with father♪♪♪
    Hope you and him are feeling well!

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you he doesn't like to see someone bulling a girl/woman

  5. Thats lovely that he was willing to do that :). You probably find him annoying with him being the youngest but also your used to all female company due to your sisters, mum and daughters (I know there is Tim and your Dad but its a different kind of relationship).

    1. Yes he is annoying because he is the only boy he has always got special treatment but we all love him even if he is bloody annoying.......lol

  6. That is very kind of your brother to stand up against a bully. Good for him!!!

    1. He doesn't like to see men trying to intimadate females......

  7. Good for Dave! The best way to handle a bully is to stand up to him. Too bad no one did it to that guy before they let him escape from the playground.

    1. Dave doesn't back down ever and he hates to see men bulling girls

  8. I hope your brothers surgery goes well. My grandmother has had two knee replacements so I know anything dealing with the knee probably won't be fun. I hope he heals quickly!

    1. I also hope all goes well for him today he is a bit nervous about the opp as it is the first opperation he has had


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...