Sunday, 30 September 2012

Inner Peace

Do you have inner peace?

Or is it something you are searching for?

I am lucky as I do have inner peace I have been able to forgive those who have done me wrong not because they deserve to be forgiven but because I will not hold onto negative and destructive thoughts and feelings.

I often say that life is too short to be  miserable not because life is short but because you really have no idea how long you will be around for, so I feel you should enjoy your life love yourself and surround yourself with people who love you and respect you and treat you well.

I have encountered people who say they have no idea how to achieve inner peace or they have no idea what inner peace is, I have even heard people say they can’t tell if they have inner peace and I have thought how could you not know if you have inner peace or not…………………

Ok if you do not feel tense or worried most of the time, if you can sleep soundly without worrying about things that might happen, if you can sit and enjoy the peace and quiet around you without having upsetting thoughts enter your mind then you may have inner peace…………………

Inner peace doesn’t just happen for everyone some people have to work at achieving it by not stressing over things they cannot change and learning to forgive people, to be able to take a deep breath and say I for you for treating me badly then just letting the negative feelings go into the wind or air or whatever…………………..


  1. I do have inner peace, and it's because of the faith I have. I feel so badly for people who struggle with this. I'm glad you have it~

  2. I have inner peace, but it is not perfect - I have to work on it!!!

    1. I think for most people it is something they have to work on

  3. So many people find it hard to forgive others, some never do until it's too late.
    Having inner peace is such a blessing, and lucky are we that can achieve it and do have it.

    1. Yes I know some people who can not forgive, hubby is one of them he doesn't know how to forgive he thinks forgiving is about the other person and can't get that is about his peace and has little to do with the person being forgived

  4. What a truly lovely post my friend. Yes, I do have inner peace. Like you, I very much believe that life is just too short to harbour grudges or to be miserable. Quite often when I'm walking along, I will smile at someone, and they will either ignore me, or just glare. I just think, "oh well, it's your loss". Life is so much happier if you can face it with a smile on your face, and to be kind to others. If we do not forgive, the bitterness will just eat away inside us, and that's no way to live a life.

    1. Thank you my friend I am pleased you liked the post yes holding grudges serves no purpose well I don't think they do except maybe upsetting yourself as you can be sure the person you hold a grudge against isn't bothered.........I also often smile at others I pass during my day most smile back those who don't well like you I think your loss...........

  5. A lovely post. I hope I do, I think I do. :)

    1. If you think you do they you most likely do.......

  6. Well, aren't I the odd man out? I don't have inner peace. I am aware of it and strive hard every day not to worry and stress but for a variety of reasons I do. As far as forgiveness, I have a few things in my life that are (in my mind) unforgivable but I don't dwell on it, most days don't even think about it. Still, it sets me up to protect myself and not let people physically and/or emotionally do harm to me. As for the people that hurt me, I just put them out of my mind for the most part and figure that they have to deal with how they lived their lives at some point.

    1. You don't have inner peace that sucks......and there are some things that a person may feel are unforgivable........I do get that.

  7. I have inner peace as long as I don't think about Dr. X. I do my best to banish him from my brain.


  8. Very nice post to start a Monday with. I have missed seeing you over at Geek Girl USA. :-)

    1. I have been around will pop on over right now.....ok after I peg the clothes on the line but I will be there

  9. I enjoyed reading this. It very much resonated with me on this very busy Monday. :-)

  10. Yes, mostly.
    I have my days when I am all wound up.
    I am sugar and caffeine sensitive and too much of either makes me not feel a lot of peace.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...