Sunday, 2 September 2012

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day here in Australia and of course that meant going over to my parents place for lunch, just party pies and sausage rolls and hot chips but all I could manage was some hot chips.

I didn't get Tim anything why because he didn't give me any money to buy him something so all he got from me was a card.

This year Father's Day snuck up on me due to me being sick as all hell for the last few weeks, on Friday was when I realised it was Father's Day this weekend so I just gave dad a $20 gift card so he can go and get whatever he wants.

Some people may think the above poem is idealistic but no it is my dad to a tee.......................


  1. Hope you get feeling better and Your dad had a nice fathers day. What a lovely poem.

    1. I am feeling much better today and I also liked the poem I printed it and framed it and my sister Sue gave it to dad for Father's Day

  2. I hope your dad and Tim have had a wonderful Father's Day and I truly hope you will be getting back to full health very soon. Take care of yourself, my friend~

    1. Tim said he had a terrible day last night because he felt Kathy gave her pop a better hug when she saw him and just rushed pasted her dad to go to the toilet....
      Also Jessica didn't get to see him till 7.30pm last night but after Jessica and Leo turned up his mood improved

  3. That was a lovely poem in honour of a dad. That sounded just like my dear dad as well. Unfortunately he passed away when I was 32, but I was an only child and still miss him! Hope you will get to feel a little better each and every day. I'm sure Tim will realise that you have been far too poorly to think about Fathers' Day this year.

    1. Yes it is, it has been printed and framed for dad some of us get lucky and have amazing fathers and I dread the day I will lose my wonderful dad........

  4. Lovely poem. sorry you were sick, but glad you could enjoy your visit with your dad. :)

    1. I am starting to feel more like my oldself, I get to see my dad every week

  5. So you mean a dad ISN'T someone who shows his kids the gun he keeps in his glove box? The gun he's going to use to "get" at the guy who's now married to his ex-wife?
    Huh. That's weird.
    Darn, sorry for being a buzz kill.
    I wish my dad was like the one in your beautiful poem.
    I hope that at least I am, though.
    Enjoy the days as they start getting warmer down under. I'm tired of heat and humidity.

    1. Well my dad isn't that type of dad he is the type in the poem but I know I am lucky to have such a great dad so many people don't have great dads...........

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, relly beautiful poem♡♡♡ I remember my father(who is 87 and can't understand me now) used to be a wonderful dad played with me a lot. I sometimes reminisce these lovely days(*^_^*) Happy belated father's day!
    I hope you get perfectly well can eat three meals.

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes it is and dad seemed happy with it my sister Sue had me print it and frame it and she gave it to him for Father's Day. It must be sad to see your dad struggle to remember things and understand you but you remember that deep inside him he knows who you are and loves you just as much as aways......

  7. Mine too! I was lucky, just like you. Happy Father's to all the great Dad's.

  8. What a lovely tribute! Happy Father's Day to all the loved father's out there! :)

  9. I hope you all had a great fathers day!! I am very lucky to have a great husbands whos a wonderful father to our children.


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