Thursday, 6 September 2012

Thursday's Ramblings

Well what a day I have had it's been a lot busier then my normal Thursdays, Jessica turned up here this morning after she took Leo to day care and asked me if I would go grocery shopping with her which I did then we went to Macca's for breakfast then home so she could have a nap. However when we got here I finished filling in the enrollment application for Leo to start school next year and when that was done she asked if I would go with her to hand it in at the school and of course I did. So all in all I had a busy morning, when we got back from doing that Iwent to peg the washing on the line and she went to have a lay down. After she gets up at 3.30pm she asked me if I would go with her and but fuel in her car as she doesn't like to do it and again I said ok I would, so now she has picked up her dog and gone to get Leo and head home to her place. After I write this I will have to go out and get the washing off the never

Speaking of Leo starting school next year where had the time gone it seems like only yesterday I was getting up during the night to fed and change him and rock him back to sleep and now he will be starting school in on 5 months time..............Jessica has decided to take my advice and send him to school no matter what the so call experts say, yes the staff at his school starters group are not sure whether he is ready for school or not but I say send him he may settle down and be fine once he starts school and gets use to going each day..........he likes going to day care 3 days a week.

It is quiet here at the moment I don't have the telly on or anything all I can here is the traffic out on King Street which is a main road and this may sound strange but I like listening to the Although if I didn't have my hearing aids in I wouldn't be able to hear

Today it has been very warm and windy so windy in fact that the screen door outside kept banging as it doesn't shut right and that was annoying but I wanted the door open so the dogs could come in and out, I really need to get Tim to up seal the doggy door so DC can start using it again because I don't mind him coming in and out...........and yes Tim doesn't like him inside but Tim isn't here during the day so I do what I

I will have to remember tomorrow morning that I have to pick Kathy-Lee up on my way to Charlestown she wants to come shopping with me which is fine with me as long as she doesn't rush


  1. Replies
    1. Some days are busier then others and Thursdays are usually a quiet day......

  2. wow you have been busy then again you always are when so you find time to rest

    1. Some days I don't get to rest till I crawl into

  3. You keep going and going! Don't get yourself sick again, my friend~

    1. I have no plans on getting sick again, but then who ever plans to get

  4. I need some of your energy! Your a busy woman.

    1. Somedays I wonder how I manage to have engery to do

  5. You're an absolute saint to that family of yours! I agree with Shelly though. It's not that long ago that you were really poorly, so please don't go overdoing things! We worry about you, you know.

    1. I know but I am feeling pretty good now but will be glad when I get to sit and put my feet up again tonight

  6. I am exhausted just reading all that you do
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I am mum and there are just so many jobs us mums have to do......

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh yes!!! I know there is no replacement for you in your family, however I wish you can have some time on your own, dear friend♡♡♡ Hearing aid is a inevitable item for me right now(^^;)
    We have strong wind sometime in spring here in Japan.
    Take good care of yourself!!!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I have my hearing aids in a lot more now days then I did a year ago. Very windy here again today also.....

  8. Sonds like someone is most definitely feeling better and back to 'normal'. :) Good stuff.

    1. Yes I am and normal means running around taking care of the family...........

  9. Busy woman! Your kids are so lucky to have you helping out so much.

    1. One of my daughters is always telling me how much she appreciates how much I do for her and that makes me feel good.

  10. Yes, I hope they realize how lucky they are to have you helping out all the time. Glad you're feeling better, anyways. Your days must fly by even faster than mine! Enjoy them to the hilt!! :):)

    1. Some days do fly by pretty fast and others seem to drag I know my daughters appreciates my help but it is not nice when I get told that they do


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...