Saturday, 29 September 2012

Shopping On Saturday.................

First up I want to say thank you to everyone who left a comment about renewing ones vows, I am not doing individual replies because well I have been busier today then I am normally on a Saturday. I did like all the comments if we did renew our vows I wouldn’t want to spend much money one doing so………….lol

This morning I went to do some shopping and not food shopping I had a  gift voucher that I used to buy some things from “Smiggle” I love that store but I have a thing of stationery, however instead of getting stuff just for me I also bought Christmas presents because that is what I do.

After getting home from my little shopping trip my precious first born asked me if I would go with her to do her food shopping so of course I did and I am now home had a sandwich for lunch and now I am going to do a bit of web surfing, I was up early 6am and managed to do a couple of hours of blog reading before going out shopping.

While out shopping with Kathy she told me I was rude and running into people and not saying sorry but I am one of those people who usually says sorry if I cut some off with my trolley or if I run into someone but to be honest I didn’t notice myself running into people or cutting them off. So I just told Kathy that I was not in the mood to be nice and polite because I thought if I told her I didn’t think I was doing what she said she would have just gotten annoyed with me.

This afternoon Tim has gone to work so I am going to have a nice afternoon home alone, yes everyone knows I like to be home alone……….lol


  1. How could you not have noticed bumping into somebody? You must have had your mind elsewhere or she was maybe exaggerating? How odd.

    Enjoy your time alone!! :):)

  2. Ahh, I, too, love a minutes, especially when I first get home from work, to be alone and destress. Then, it's all good. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I am enjoying my weekend thank you Shelly, at the moment it is quiet Tim is still in bed and I have been up for an hour I like this time of day it's just so quiet........

  3. you are hardly ever home alone Jo-Anne. i've also started christmas shopping. must wrap the gifts also as this will save lots of time. i have the g/kids over. good times

    1. I know what you mean there are some weeks that it feels like there is always someone here annoying

  4. Sounds like a good productive weekend, I hope it continues to be a nice one :)

    1. Well this morning is great nice a quiet will have to get dressed and go to Jessica's shortly but the last hour has been great

  5. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Yey, your precious time of "home alone". I can easily guess your feelig, my friend♡♡♡ I hope you are having wonderful weekend.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes I am having a great weekend very relaxing........

  6. I love shopping for stationery as well. :)

    1. My mum also loves to shop for stationery and so does my daughter Jessica so it runs in the family

  7. Just stopping by to say hi! Enjoy your time alone - I like time like that too.

    1. Well hi right back at ya.....alone time is such a great thing

  8. I love alone time. I guess with the time difference you have already had your afternoon time alone. Hope it was nice. It's just noon now here in Kansas.

    1. My the time I got back to the computer it was Sunday morning and so far it has been a great morning very quiet and peaceful......

  9. Polite police are annoying. I would have told her, "well then, you'd best stay out from in front of me." Or something in that vein.

    1. Yes they are annoying I don't go out of my way to be rude but hell someimes I am caught up in my own thoughts and may not always be as polite as I should be

  10. Smiggle is such a cute shop. I could spend ages and dollars in there quite easily.

    I also love "alone time"
    As much as you love your family, sometimes it is good to be on your own for a bit

    1. Yes it is good hear I am not the only fan of Smiggle and alone time..............

  11. OK, I do love to shop but my bank account says no today... bummer. So I'll do some alone time...yeah... and that will make it all better. :-)

    1. I know that feeling as I rarely have money to go shopping......


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...