Wednesday, 5 September 2012

He Is Not A Moron..............

Is there a word or saying that really pisses you off................for me it is the term “Moronic” or “Moron” so when my sister Sue posted on Facebook that the “Moronic child was back” referring to my nephew Dawson I saw red I was so mad and I didn't know what to say or do in the end at the time I did nothing since it was posted in the evening after I had got off line for the night......I receive Facebook updates on my phone via text messages which is how I read the end this is what I said to her.

I wasn't sure whether to leave a comment about this because I was so blood pissed off when I read the that word "moronic" so have waited and stewed over it and decided to say something..........First sis how do you think your parents felt when they read this and yes mum may not read it but dad might and then there is his parents ok mostly Leigh as Dave rarely gets on Facebook............

Also want to say that Tim was told he was a moron as a child and it has taken him decades to get over it and still have problems thinking he is stupid and not good enough. Dawson has a good heart and yes he can be difficult but most teenagers can be difficult but I know when he heard that Sandra didn't have money for milk for Temika he told nana to take it out of his bank and give it her. Don't forget sis that he you moved into his home and yes it is your home too but he is only 13 and a child you are 42 and not. If it is that bad for you living there consider moving you need to live somewhere you feel happy and comfortable.......

To me the term “Moronic” is insulting and shouldn't be used to describe anyone ever.............


  1. I agree with you - that is an awful word to use, especially to a 13 year old and, as proved by Tim, this sort of thing can have repercussions for years. Children and young adults should be encouraged and not put down. Sometimes adults don't think when they talk to children, just what effect their words might be having. Its good that he has a caring Aunty like you .

    1. Sue has a habit of not thinking before she speaks or writes stuff, I don't care if she has negative thoughts about anyone but you shouldn't be saying stuff like that about a child.........she wouldn't like it someone said something like that about one of her children or grandchildren.

  2. I totally agree. Any word to imply stupid is horrible!

    1. I personally think there are no stupid children, there are only children who have not learnt somethink, if you know what I mean....

  3. i agree. what did your sister have to say about your comment?

    1. She never said anything about it, it was as if neither me or Sandra had left a comment no reply from Sue nothing............

  4. It is such a damaging word, especially to a teen. I am so glad Dawson has you in his life, standing up for him.

    1. Dawson gets a lot of shit from some people and he is such a good hearted boy, yes he is difficult but hell he is a teenager and a teenagers are

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, I just don't know how it sounds and how damaging the word is. But when you are teenage kid, sure must be sensitive for these thing. Yes, I am glad you are o his side like other your friends commented.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. That's a harsh choice of word, I totally agree.

  7. I dislike the word also but I also feel uncomfortable when Facebook is used in this way. I find it confusing when people go into personal details on the forum and use it to make comments that could potentially hurt other peoples feelings. It does make me wonder if the person saying these things has no one close to talk to so that they feel they need validation from everyone at once. I dunno, I guess it just makes me feel weird.

    1. Yes so many people post things on Facebook and forget that it will be read by so many different people, to me it is often post it and regret it..........

  8. how awful that she would do that

    1. She just doesn't thinkg before she does these things

  9. if she's living in his home i agree get out! she wouldnt like it if he said my stupid freeloading aunt is back now would she! positive re-enforcement alonh with caring enough to have discipline makes well behaved polite children. if you cant be a part of the solution do not expand the problems!

    1. Yes she is the 43yr old woman living with her parents and she can move he is a 13yr old boy who can not move.

  10. As with all words, it's how they are used that defines them. When said in reference to a family member with a sweet giving nature, then it becomes a mean weapon. She used it in a hurtful way just as any other weapon would do.

    I reserve my name calling for truly evil people that destroy other peoples lives. I would be hypocritical to say I never use negative words in my descriptions.

    1. Yes I have done my share of name calling, I think most people have at some point in their lives but I do try very hard not to call children stupid and have never called them morons.......I did once say jokingly that I had raised morons but then I regreted it and have not said it since.......I was wrong and I know it......

    2. I agree with you 100 percent. If I call a murderer or someone that I hear about doing some unspeakable thing, I think of them in the most awful terms. BUT I would never call a child a name...never a child. Even children that do bad things are still children. They aren't expected to always behave as they aren't mature yet. Calling a child any name esp. something that demeans their intelligence seems cruel. I don't fault you for ever saying something in jest, who hasn't said something that they later regretted. We are human, after all.

  11. That is pretty crappy of someone to publicly say something so mean. I'd have to say something as well! :/

    1. Yes she can think all the negative thoughts about people she likes but you really shouldn't say these things on Facebook

  12. Totally, totally agree with you!

    1. Thank you it is good to see so many people agreeing with me....

  13. Is she so naive as to think that no one reads her posts and that her name calling and negative feelings won't get back to her nephew? Each of us is certainly entitled to our feelings, positive or negative, but there is no need to recklessly hurt others with them. I agree that your nephew is lucky to have you in his life!

    1. She knows we read her posts but she doesn't think before she does these things......

  14. I agree! I hate that word and all that it implies.

  15. There is never a good excuse to call a child a name like that. Words can do more damage than anything physical ever has. Physical wounds heal. Wounds from words can stick around a lifetime. Enough said.

    1. No there isn't and those terrible words stay with a person for many years

  16. I totally agree! That is terrible. I have a bad habit of using the work "stupid" and I know it is just as bad. I always end up apologizing. I NEVER call my kids "stupid", but sometimes I'll say, "That was stupid! Why did you do that?" and then I end up saying I'm sorry...should have said "stupid". They hear "you're stupid" even if I didn't actually say that. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. You are so write children will hear such things which is why we should never say them, when my girls were little I when I got angry I would think what a stupid thing to do but then I would take a breath and say silly instead of stupid not always easy though......

  17. I agree! Moron isn't a very nice term especially used on a child.

    1. True it is good to see that so many people agree with me that it is not a nice word....


Week 10 of 2025

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