Sunday, 16 September 2012

Introducing Denni Jean..................

Last night at 9.46pm my new neice Denni Jean was born weighing 6.5pounds which makes her birday 1 month & 1 day before her pop's who she was named after. My dad's name is Dennis and his birthday is the 16th October. Here is a couple of photos of her.
Other news we didn't have Leo last night, although Jessica rang me at 8pm last night and asked if I could go and get him but I couldn't keep my eyes open, in fact she had woken me up when she there was no way I could drive out to get him. 

This morning I rang my neice Kelli and asked if she wanted me to go and get him but she said she was right to watch him for the day although after Jessica picks him up this afternoon she said she is coming back here to have a sleep.

So there will be no nap for me today either since by the time I am ready for a nap Jessica will be turning up with Leo and I will have to watch him while she sleeps, so maybe another early night for me


  1. Congrats on the new niece!
    I hope you get some sleep. You need your rest, too!!

    1. Yes I do need my rest but somehow I managed yesterday without a nap to stay up till 8.45pm although I was very tire by the time I crawled into be.......Thank you we are all very excited about Denni

  2. Congratulations to all! It's so nice to see bright rays of sunshine in this dark world.

    1. Thank you the world doesn't look that dark from where I But I am surrounded by young

  3. Congratulations to the new mum & dad, also to you Jo-Anne. Good that all is well.
    Nana nap, you will eventually get one, won't you?

    1. One day I will get the chance for a
      Thank you both my sister and brother in-law are very happy with their new bub

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Congratulations to your new born niece "Denni Jean"! She is lovely♡♡♡ Oh, you are too busy to have a nap! I hope you are not feeling tired. Have a wonderful rest of Sundsy, my friend!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I do feel very tired somedays more so then others....
      Thank you Denni Jean is Sandra's second daughter and they are both doing well

  5. How wonderful. You are an Aunt again.

    Ahhh!!! Aren't naps the best... When you can get one that is... LOL. I hope you had an awesome week-end. I'm traveling to see family and to meet a blogger friend, how fun is that. Who knows, I may find myself in your neighborhood one day. :)))

    1. I love being an aunty.........My weekend was pretty good even managed to get a few things done around the house

  6. Jo-Anne, i'm confused yet again. why does Jessica need a nap at your place while you mind Leo if your neice has had him all day. or, have i got it all wrong? does Jessica have a lack of iron thing too? you are always minding your g/children and i'm lucky to see mine once a week if that. my g/kids are older than yours but still manage to tire me out when i have them. in a good way though. congratulations on the birth of your new neice, she's just lovely. i like the name

    1. Jessica wanted to have a nap as she had been up from 1.30am and was really tired, she slept for 3hrs then got up and went home.

      Yes I do have my grandchildren a lot tomorrow I will have Sydney-May while her mum is at work today I have a free day no grandchildren........that is unless Jes turns up with

      Thank you I also like the name Denni Jean she was named after my dad

  7. Congrats on the safe arrival of your beautiful niece. How exciting for everybody

  8. Congrats on the new baby! Love the pics! :)

    1. Thank you Facebook is so great my sister posted the photos to FB and I got them from there and posted them here........

  9. You are baby rich and baby blessed! Congratulations on a beautiful girl. She will grow up with much love.

    1. Yes we are so many beautiful babies born into this family in the last few years and yes she will grow up in a family of love

  10. Man, your family is populating the world one at a time! Congratulations again!

  11. Congratulations on this beautiful family!

  12. Just lovely! Congratulations to your family!

  13. Congratulations! THat's a sweet looking baby!


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...