Saturday, 8 September 2012

Welcome to the Weekend.............

Yesterday I went shopping with two of my beautiful daughters Kathy-Lee and Jessica and it was great, it was just my weekly food shopping but still it was great having them with me. Friday breakfast is becoming a real family affair yesterday there was 12or 13 of us there including 3 toddlers.

However yesterday I didn't get around to writing a blog post as when I got home I spent some time reading blogs then I had to go out with Jessica to pick up a house phone she has a cordless phone but she keeps losing she wanted an old fashion corded phone.

Today we have to vote in a council election so hubby and I will walk down shortly and do that, really have no idea who to vote for guess I will decide when I get Jessica had me check were she is enrolled to vote and where she has to go to vote and I just sent Natasha a text reminding her she has to vote also, she can be pretty slack when it comes to voting. Here in Australia voting is compulsory but at this stage I am unable to find where Natasha is registered.

Just returned from shopping with Kathy we went out to get Tim's Father's Day present which is this a coffee machine that takes coffee we just hope he likes it, it is what he wanted........while out she also bought some summer clothes for Sydney-May and I got myself another pair of thongs since Jessica pinched my last pair and coming into the warmer weather I wear them all the time, they are easy to slip on my feet when I have to walk outside.

It is nice a warm outside in the sun but kind of cool inside the house, oh yeah and Natasha popped over while I was out and brought Tim her Father's Day present as well she gave him a pair of shorts and matching top..............

For the second day I have cooked shoestring chips to go with my meal in oil............yes in oil now that may not sound like anything but I do not cook in oil when I cook chips I use my airfryer but with shoestring chips I like them done in oil they just taste better cooked that way.


  1. Your family breakfasts sound great. I love big family meals. And aren't shopping trips with our girls just the best?

    1. Yes our Friday breakfasts are great it is wonderful to see so many family members there........I do like to go shopping with my girls.....

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    How lovely to have daughters to go shopping together. And great big family meal together as well(♥^_^♥)~*
    Oh, council election! I might know some of your council member. Or all have retired, haha. Voting sure is hard for us, isn't it!!!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. John tate the mayor of Newcastle is retiring after 31yrs in local goverment and Greg Piper the mayor of Lake Macquarie is retiring after something like 12yrs as mayor so now we will have new mayors don't know who yet as haven't turned the tv on this morning yet

    2. OH, I've met John Tate when he visited Ube-city. He is retiring! Thank you for the information, as I no longer ivoved with our ties, it sure lovely to hear their names(*^_^*)
      Love You Aways, xoxo Miyako*

  3. I wish it was the law that people had to vote many don't. We have a huge election coming up. The gift looks awesome I am sure he will love it.
    Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I think about all the women who fought so hard so that women could vote and then I get pissed off at all the women who can't be bothered to vote, if that makes any sense......Tim was very happpy with his gift

  4. Wonderful to have those large family breakfasts. It's so good to be part of a close family. I'm sure Tim will love his new coffee machine! My husband is a County Councillor here in England, and he will be up for re-election next May, so that's always a hectic time for us. Hope he gets re-elected, otherwise he will be under my feet all day. LOL!!

    1. Yes it is great having a large family breakfast my parents really love it when so many family members turn up. Tim seems very happy with the coffee machine.

  5. Shopping with your daughters must be really fun! I hope he likes that coffee maker. I have never tasted the pod coffee, myself. But coffee has to be really bad and bitter for me not to like it--LOL! ;)

    I think things might change over here in the US if we legally were all required to vote. Well, maybe not.

    Enjoy that wonderful time with your big family!! :):)

    1. He seems to like the coffee machine but hasn't used it yet so we will see what he thinks after he uses it. Yeah I know what you mean about the voting some people will just do an informal vote which means they will write something stupid on the ballet form instead of voting for someone it pisses me off.

  6. I wish we had a law requiring you to vote rather than asking you to vote. Maybe there would be less apathy about the process. Glad you had a good day. :)

    1. Yes I think it is great that voting is compulsory although I know some people who do not like that it is

  7. I am confused?! Fathers Day, is in June, not September! Were you playing Catch-up?

    1. Not here in Australia Father's Day is the first Sunday in September......


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...