Sunday, 23 September 2012

I Dreamt I died...................

Have you ever dreamt about dying? Well the last couple of nights I have had a number of dreams in which I have died and I have to say it is a bit unnerving dreaming about one’s own death………………

In fact I rarely dream about death at all, and this is the first time I have ever dreamt about my own death and the fact that it wasn’t just one dream but a number of dreams on two different nights. So should I be worried should I read more into it then just disturbing dreams, could my Guardian Angel be trying to tell me something. 

Now you know what made me think of this right now well it’s because I have heartburn or indigestion call it what you like it is pain in the bloody chest and I just wish the Mylanta would start to work and the pain would go away……………..

I found this poem on the internet and thought it would fit this post......................

My angel's right beside me,
wherever I may go,
keeping close watch over me,
he's my husband don't you know.
God took him away from me,
not so long ago,
but he promised he'd never leave me,
dear lord I miss him so.
But I know he's right beside me,
wherever I may go,
for he's my guardian angel,
my love, my life, my soul.
By Rebecca Webb


  1. I hate dreams like that as I have to force myself to wake up to get out of it. With me I usually have people chasing me...

    1. It doesn't help me to force myself to wake up because the dream will often just continue once I go back to will just pick right up where it left off which can be quite annoying

  2. That is strange to be dreaming about death like that. A little unnerving, I would think. I hope they stop~

    1. Yes it was unnerving but thankfully I have not had any more of those dreams and I hope I don't

  3. Oh my, that must have been some weird dream, and you remembered them both. Like the poem.

    1. I do have a habit of having weird dreams but most of the time I do not remember them but the death ones I did........Pleased you liked the poem

  4. I have always found that dreams zffect the waking world more by how we react to them than by any prophetic nature.

    1. Yes I agree generally I do not try and read anything into my dreams they are just a mish mash of the days events or my thoughts

  5. What a beautiful, beautiful poem, Jo-Anne, oh my gosh! I just love it. I remember being told we can't dream about dying and then having dreams about being was awful. I can still remember them. I hope yours pass soon.

    1. Yes I agree I really liked the poem too and I also remember being told we couldn't dream about death but it seems our minds and bodies don't agree since we can dream about death and dying.......

  6. I don't remember if I have dreamt about dying or being dead, but under hypnosis I died several times...and it was wonderful being dead--LOL! I didn't want to come back. ;)

    Ever since I can remember I used to dream about flying/floating way up over the tree tops but then I'd start to plummet--always woke up before I hit the ground. One night here a few years ago I had that same old dream and plummeted, but this time I landed softly on my feet on the ground. Have never had that dream since then.

    Dreams are such strange and interesting events, aren't they?

    1. I have had many dreams where I have been flying they don't bother me much the ones that bother me are the ones when I am riding an excalator that goes no where..........or getting in a lift that shoots out the roof and then the doors open.......those ones freak me

      Yes dreams are strange and interesting and sometimes a little

  7. Dreams are never literal but metaphorical in nature. Generally speaking, to dream of your own death indicates a transitional phase in your life. I could indicate that you're becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Alternatively, it can indicate you're trying to escape the demands of your daily life. FYI: I use to interpret dreams awhile back. :-)

    1. I know that dreams are not literal still it was disturbing but it was nice to read your take on what the dream ment

  8. What a lovely poem! I do believe you are just having indigestion! Well, that's my own bad dream experience! They seem to come around when I've eaten too much or eaten something that doesn't agree with me. Hope you have a restful night tonight!

    1. Yes it is a lovely poem and I should get back to the doctor to see about changing my medication for reflux.

  9. in shamanic journeying i am often dismembered. it's spirits way of destrying the old patterns and pain and letting you begin again fresh and innocent. mayhaps something is weighing on your mind you need to deal with and release! let it go and let God!

  10. I agree with Susan. Dreams are rarely literal. They are mostly symbolic. From what you have said it sounds more like your fears are getting the best of you.

    1. Yes maybe they are, thankfully I have not had any more distrubing dreams

  11. I have always heard that it is impossible to dream about your own death...that your subconscious will not allow it, even in it is not sleep but a wakeful state. who knows what i am talking about? i just heard this and have never had a dream about me dying so it makes sense to me.

    1. I had heard that people don't dream of their own death but I did dream I died so maybe we can in some way........I hope I do not have any more dreams about dying........

  12. More of a nightmare but a lovely poem you found.

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