Thursday, 13 September 2012

Thursday's Ramblings Enjoy Or Not Up To You..........

What a day today has been I have been sat at this computer just about all day, hell that is nothing new if you were to ask my family they would say I am always on the computer well till around 5 or 5.30 when I close the lid and have tea then watch the news then have a shower then watch more tv before going to

Today I got to see my great nephew Daemon and you know what I didn't get a photo taken of me with holding him, how silly of me................

Jessica got two new tyres on her car it goes for a rego check tomorrow and it's going to cost her over $300 why because it is LPG and is over 10 years old which means the LPG tank has to be drained and tested for leaks and that costs money. Because it is due for rego was the reason she had to get new tyres all 4 had to be replace costing $400 and then there is the cost of the CTP which is "compulsory third party insurance"which set her back $575, damn it cost a lot to have a When I said Jessica got new tyres it was me who had to take the car there to get the tyres as she needed a sleep which was her way of saying I don't want to do it so will you please do it mummy and this soft touch mum said yes of course at least it didn't take long and I only had to go up the road.

Still speaking of Jessica both her and Leo will be here tonight so her dad can take her care to work tomorrow to get the rego check done, there is a guy near the bus depot that can do it so Tim has arranged to take it in tomorrow.

I have just remembered to put my camera on to charge so I can get photos of my new great niece Hayley tomorrow, yes I spelt her name wrong when I did the post about her birth, but now I know better and will not make that mistake again............

I do have this one photo of Hayley to show you but I will take more tomorrow.

Now even though I have been sat here all day I did manage to do two loads of washing and get it out and dried before it started to rain, ok it isn't raining yet but there is a bit of thunder and it is very overcast now so I think it may rain the point is the washing is dried and off the line so I don't care if it rains or not............just Please note the above photo is off the net and not taken by

I also haven't had a nap today so I expect to be in bed early again.................oh well at least I feel like I got more done


  1. Wow- tires are expensive here, too, but we don't have to pay for the extra stuff. I'd probably want to hide my head under a pillow, too, at all those expenses! The baby is beautiful~

    1. Yes the car has cost her a small fortune but she wants to keep this car and the cost of having the LPG tank checked only comes along once every 10yrs I think, well I hope it does.......Yes Hayley is beautiful

  2. My car needs a service and I dont want to think about how much that will hit the wallet.
    If you are like me, you have the computer on, but tend to go back and forth doing other things at the some time

    1. Yes I do go back and forth from doing stuff during the day so the computer is on so I can do my blogging between the

  3. Aaaaw, look at baby Hayley. She is beautiful and a very bonny baby. Love her little pink outfit. As you say, keeping a car can be SO expensive, which is not good. Hope you are still feeling a little better.

    1. Yes little Hayley is so beautiful and I thought she looked like a doll in the if only we didn't like the convenience of having

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Wow,lovely baby Hayley; she is sleeping soundly♡♡♡
    Yes, whew... we all know how expensive to maintain cars!!!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you she is lovely and when I saw her yesterday she was still sleeping so didn't get to have a hold yet.......

  5. sounds like having a car is really expensive over there! and you're a sweet mum for all you do for your family, i hope they realize and appreiciate it too!

    1. Yes having a car is expensive but we do like to have them

  6. Cars are really expensive--so true.
    Babies, storms, and no nap--hope you sleep well tonight. :)

    1. Sometimes I think it would be cheaper to live without a car but hell we like having them

  7. Don't understand 1/2 of what you said about the car other than it is expensive to own one. LOL Nice baby pic! :)

    1. Sorry about but you did get the point cars cost a lot of

  8. Replies
    1. Life is busy and and if only I could have a nap each day but not for so long, the long naps are annoying


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...