Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Leo and my teeth.................

To I had to go to the dentist just for a check up and clean as the government scheme that covers my dental care ends on the 1st December so the dental practice rang and arranged an appointment and of course I have to go back in a few weeks to get 3 more fillings........ I hate going to the dentist as I have such a small mouth and it is so hard to try and open wide enough.

After that I had to go and meet Jessica out at Kaleidoscope as Leo had an appointment with Dr Murray to follow up on his behavioural problems. They are talking about possibly placing him on medication next year if he doesn't settle into school next year. They think he has ADHD and ODD I do not know how I feel about the thought of him going onto medication I have mixed emotions about it.

Anyway Dr Murry is going to arrange for Leo to attend some other classes to prepare him for school next year and have advise Jessica to go to the school when the next term starts and take the report that she had compiled and ask if the school counsellor can assess him before he starts school so that they can be aware of any problems he will have next year.

I also will have to take a copy of the report with me tomorrow when I take Leo to day care and give it to Hanna, she has been asking for it for a while now.


  1. I have the same trouble at the dentist's...small mouth and it feels like my mouth is going to rip sometimes.

    I don't know what I think about putting little ones on meds, either. I have heard some people say it worked and others who regretted it. Some have held the child back from starting first grade for a year and they just were older and more mature and did okay. It's a really tough decision for the parents and a very individual one. I hope whatever they decide it works well for Leo. :)

    1. I end up with a lot of pain in my jaw because of the pressure the dentist puts on my mouth trying to get it wider then it wants to go........

      I do not think Leo is that bad that he needs meds but the day care seem to think it would be a good idea I am glad that they decided to wait and see how he goes at school before doing anything.

  2. I also have a very small mouth, Jo=Anne, so I sympathize with you about your visit to the dentist. Little Leo looks so cute in that photo. It must be a real worry for you and his mum that he might have to go on to medication. He seems so young for that. I pray that the right decision will be made for him, to enable him to settle well into school. Bless him!

    1. It is good to hear that I am not the only person to have a small mouth and find visits to the dentist to be stressful. Yes I think Leo is to young for medication I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens and take it one step at a time

  3. Good luck at the dentist and hope all goes well.
    Wonder what they did with children who had ADHD years ago - and probably before that condition was diagnosed. Just wondering.

    1. Yes I also wonder that, there was a time when no one had heard of ADHD or ODD but now days it seems very common.

  4. I just went to the dentist for the first time in almost 17 years, and it wasn't as bad as I thought (except for the bill!).

    I hope and pray they will find something that will help little Leo as that is a very young age to go on meds. You are such a loving grandma~

    1. Thankfully I do not have to pay to see the dentist but have had to in the past so I am fully aware of how expensive they are........

      The Dr said she thought he was a bit young to go on meds too and that is one of the reasons she decided to wait till March to see how he is doing before deciding about the meds

  5. haven't been to the dentist since i was fourteen i'm really not sure i want to go back

    1. My daughter Jessica is so afraid of the dentist her teeth are rotting and she still will not go.......

  6. I hate the thought of kids being put on meds too. Here, it's rampant.
    P.S. I hate the dentist too!!!!!UGH!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I agree kids are put on meds to easy in some cases and then there are kids who really need them and but can't seem to get them........I am not in a hurry for him to be put on meds....I think many people do not like the dentist.........lol

  7. I know the feeling with teeth but thankfully the last few times I've been things have been fine. I actually prefer going to the dentist instead of the doctors

    1. I don't think I will ever prefer the dentist over the doctor..........lol


Week 10 of 2025

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