Saturday, 15 September 2012

Grandchildren, Dog Sitting, Child Minding & Hayley

What a day yesteday was up early 6.30am with Leo then after dropping him off at day care I went to breakfast with the family, Samantha & Tommy-Lee turned up with baby Hayley and I snapped these two shots of her but they couldn't stay long and Hayley was asleep so I didn't get to have a cuddle maybe next week.

After shopping I really felt like a nap but didn't have time as Natasha turned up to drop Blain off for the night and I have had him all day both Natasha and Jessica are woking to day doing Bus Marshalling which means they hang around the train station marking off the buses as they arrive and they tell people which bus to get on if asked this is done when there is track work on and the trains aren't running. It is good money for easy work even if their hours are long 10hr shift of Natasha and 12hrs for Jessica it only happens a few times a year.

I love Blain but he has been so demanding all day wanting food all the time and when I say no he gets the shits like all children do but oh well such is life, at the moment he is in the bedroom watching telly and playing with the dogs..............however he will not  be getting any more food today so I will have to listen to him have a whinge about how he is soooooooooo hungry which of course he isn' I did bow to pressure and baked a chocolate cake for him of which he has had a couple of pieces

I don't know we may have Leo tonight which means tomorrow will be another day dealing with a child who will be complaining all the time he is hungry when really he would be fine if he would just go and play with the At least I don't have both boys although in some ways having the two of them is ok as they have each other to play with...........

I do hope to get a nap this afternoon after Natasha has picked up Blain but we will see..............
Oh yeah I am also watching Jessica's dog "dino" because she can't take him to Kelli & Jono's place which is where she stayed last night and they are watching Leo for her today. It would be cool if the watch him tomorrow as well but I am not holding out hope...........

Tim is also working this weekend doing rail work so it has been only me and Blain here all day and tomorrow if I have Leo it will be just me and him as papa will be working again............

So how often do the other nanna's/grandmothers watch their grandchildren?

As everyone knows I watch Leo every week and I had Blain every week till he started school so I know when Leo starts school next year I will not have him as often. I have never had Sydney-May over night as her mum has never asked me to but I did watch her for a while after Kathy went back to work but have not watched her in months since she is now in day care while Kathy is working................


  1. Lovely Grandchildren you have. Hope you get your Nana nap...

    1. Didn't get a nap yesterday and ended up in bed at 6.30pm as I was just so tired

  2. Its great seeing the grandchildren but it would be nice if it was for a shorter time and planned as then you can organise something to do for that time like going to a park. When you have them all day it gets wary and harder to entertain.

    My mum started looking after my niece at 5 months old everyday except weekends and school holidays. My niece demanded at 2 years old to go to school so from last September she went 2 and a days a week.... now she's the age for nursery but its only part time so she goes 5 morning and my sister pays for friday afternoon so my mum has her 4 afternoons... For my mum is was hard as she had her almost 12 hours a day. Its why I want to get a house before I even consider children but also I really hope that I'll be able to leave work... fingers crossed.

    1. I don't mind watching the grandkids most of the time but there are some days when I don't feel up to it, I know I will miss Leo next year when we don't have him as much.

  3. Wow, you are a busy lady!! Your grandchildren are too cute. I wish my son had a grandmum like you. Grandparents are such special people to have around and your grandchildren will look back on their lives one day and remember how good you were to them - and the chocolate cakes you baked!! lol

    As for the boys always being hungry, my son is the same when he gets bored. I try to keep a lot of fruit and cheese easily accessible in the refrigerator for him to eat. Of course, that doesn't stop him from wanting whatever sweet stuff we may have around. If there's pie or cake or ice cream around, he'll ask to have it for breakfast! Of course, that's a definite No! I usually don't even keep sweets in the house anymore but last night I caved and bought a cake. I'm expecting him to ask for it when he wakes up in a little while, lol!

    1. Leo is good when he is hungry he will go to the fridge and get cheese, fruit, yogurt and yes he will ask for ice cream and lollies but not all the time and if I tell him to have a piece of fruit before before he can have chocolate he will but he will not forget about the

  4. You certainly stay busy, my friend! I don't have grandchildren yet, but I think you go above and beyond the call of duty in being such a loving, supportive grandma. They are blessed to have you in their lives~

    1. Yes I have some busy
      Grandchildren are so great I love mine so much and love seeing them and watching them

  5. I remember how my mom would take my kids for the was so amazing for us as parents. My oldest daughter just told us last night she is pregnant...I hope I can be a good grandma...we are still digesting this news!
    your grandchildren are beautiful...good luck!

    1. When my girls were little my parents didn't take them very often at all maybe once or twice a year and when they got around 4 or 5 they one or the other would ask to stay over at their cousins place (my sister) and of course they would in fact for a long time the only time they had sleep overs was when they went to my sisters and of course I would have my niece's here too................................

  6. I tell you - you have so many wonderful grandchildren - don't cha just love it. You are lucky!

    1. Yes I do love it and I know I am lucky to be able to see them as often as I do some grandparents are not so lucky......

  7. I don't have any, but they sound exhausting--LOL! ;)

    1. Exhausting yes, but oh what a pleasure they are I love each and everyone of my grandchildren.....

  8. You are a great Grandma! Your kids are lucky to have you and so are your grandchildren! Hope you get in that nap.:O)
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Thank you didn't get a nap which meant I was in bed early last night but such is life, I hope my grandchildren will always feel close to me like I do to my nan

  9. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Grandma, Grandma♬♬♬ Your care sure marvelously stay in your grandkids mind♡♡♡ I always think that my own mom would have been a lot load off from her shoulders if she had her mother close by.
    Hope you can have a nap just for a while, p;)
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you I do think grandparents are important in a childs lives and I do love seeing mine but then my mum has always loved seeing her grandchildren and my nan was the same......

  10. Oh gawsh they are all so cute! You're a busy grandma! Mama MB only recently starting collecting my daughter off the school bus. She's never much stayed with her Nana much, me niece on the other hand was practically raised by Mama MB. Go figure! I guess it is about half and half. A LOT of Grandmas and Nana's keep their Gr. Kids often! :)

    1. Thank you I come from a family where grandparents are around and involved in the lifes of their grandchildren but it is a fact of life that as the grandchild gets older and starts school we sometimes don't get to see them as often...........

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