Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Tuesday's Ramblings...............

Well this morning we took Leo to his school starters group and for only the second time in the last 7 weeks he was well behaved maybe it was his mother reading him the riot act before we left or the fact that I didn't go in with them straight away, I waited till he was settled in the room and then went in and joined Jessica to watch him..........whatever it was he was a good boy...........

Jessica asked me to take him early today and when I asked how early she says from when we leave here ( the school starters thing)and I said NO.............I didn't want him all afternoon so she will drop him off around any time now...............lol

I am unable to check my email I open the program but it is not downloading the emails which is bloody frustrating.

Sydney-May is not having her day time nap during the afternoon and it is really annoying her mother, Kathy is at her wits end she doesn't know what to do and I have no idea what to tell her I know it is annoying when a child doesn't sleep but then when my girls where little I would send them to their room at midday and they had to stay there and either sleep or play quietly for an hour while I had my lunch and took that time to recharge ready to deal with them for the afternoon....yes there was times when they would play up and not want to stay in their room but I was strict and made them and after a while they learnt that they were not getting their own way...........lol

I am annoyed with Natasha because Sunday was Father's Day and she didn't take her son over to see his father or even had him ring his day to say Happy Father's Day to him which is wrong. Blain is close to his father and lives with him during the week and is at his mothers on a weekend, I said how would she feel if she didn't see Blain on Mother's Day but it goes over her head.........Yes I know she was sick on the weekend but she could have rang Jono so Blain could at least talk to his dad.

I am in the process of doing invitations for my dad's 70th birthday, which is next month. I am doing the invitations and all the cooking and organising of the event. However I am having a mental blog on who I should be inviting which is so annoying............lol

You know I have never been one for using lip balm but my lips have been so dry that I went and found some lip balm and have started using it...........

Leo is now here and watching cartoons..................I just hope he is a good boy for me since I didn't get to have a nap and that means I will be in bed early again tonight..........


  1. Well, you seem more back to your old self today Jo-Anne, which is gOod. That's a shame that Blain didn't get to sPeak to his daddy :(. So frustrating when you can't get into your e mails! Your little granddaughter is so cute! It is hard when they stop having that sleep, because it can seem like such a long day. Your idea of putting them in their room was a good one. I'm sure you will organise a really good party for your dad 's 70th.

    1. Yes I am all better now and thankfully I was able to check my emails today no idea what the problem was but as long as it is working now then it's all good.

  2. I am glad you are on the mend. I'm sure your family, is, too, since you always have such a big heart and help others out so much. Your dad's birthday party plans sound great- is her excited about it?

    1. Yes I am sure the family are glad to see me back to my normal self. We haven't told dad about the birthday plans yet but he will guess that we are planing something because that is what we do......

  3. You have pretty and cute grandchildren. I'm glad you are starting to feel better !

    1. Yes I do they are so adorable and so annoying at the same time..........lol

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, today's post sure proves or sounds "you are back" to be the lovig care taker of your family. I hope you are getting better and better!
    Yes, your grandchildren sure Angels, So Lovely♡♡♡
    Your father must be happy for your plan for his birthday; I wish you all will have a wonderful day together♬♬♬
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes I am back and it feels good, we haven't told dad about the birthday party yet but I wouldn't be surprised if he has guessed......

  5. Wonderful to sense you are now recovered :) good news!
    The grandchildren are gorgeous.
    My mail wouldn't work today either, is working now.

    1. Yes I was able to check my emails this morning and thank you I do think love my grandkids........lol

  6. Sounds like you're feeling a lot better than you were.
    Your grandkids are so cute.
    I was the kind of mom that when you're in my house you follow my rules. That was with neighborhood kids and relatives and I'm not a grandma, but I doubt I'd be much different if I was. It must be hard to watch and not be able to say much of anything unless they ask for help or advice.
    I hope you get your email fixed! I hate computer problems.
    Glad you are on the mend! :)

    1. Thank you and yes I am better now at long last......
      Email worked this morning thankfully

  7. I am terrible about lip balm - I use Carmex all the time; hubby hates it though so I have to kiss him first and then put it on LOL

    Good luck getting the email issues worked out.

    1. I have the lip balm sitting next to me so I can use it when I feel how dry my lips are but it does feel strange having it on..........lol

  8. It's true about kids needing their quiet time, even if they don't need a nap!
    My kids usually did better for their teachers when I wasn't around...and from my experience, it's tough to take a child and have them cooperate when the parents/caretakers are lingering.
    Glad to read you're feeling better!

    1. Yes I think Kathy needs now to enforce the quiet time Sydney would soon get use to the idea and life would seem a little easier for Kathy, that hour during the day made a big difference to me......

  9. I am glad you are getting your energy back. My, gosh, you are a busy person.

    I hope you get the email thing worked out. Sounds annoying.

    I, also, always sent my little ones to lay down for a specific time. If they didn't fall asleep at least they rested and it allowed me some time to pick up the house and recoup a bit.

    1. Some days are busier the others and of course while I was sick nothing got done unless I dragged myself out of bed and did it........lol

      Good to know that I am not the only one who thinks rest time is important for both the child and the parent......

  10. I see you're getting back to normal... LOL. It sounds like a normal day. :)

    1. Yes all back to normal....aka.....run off my feet during the day......lol

  11. Glad you are feeling well enough now to have a 'normal' day. :)

    1. Yes I am running around doing stuff like I normally do.......lol


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...