Saturday, 1 September 2012

I am Getting There At Last

I did something today I have not done in a long time.................I hit you may think nothing much to that but what I deleted was unread blogs that I have emailed to me..................

Since I have been so sick I haven't been able to read all the blogs that I do as a rule so today after not checking my emails for 3 days I had about 100 blog posts that I hadn't read. So I took a deep breathe and hit delete since there was no way I would be able to get through them all...........So please forgive me for not reading your blog posts.

I am starting to feel better, managed to read some blogs today just not all of them and also managed to do a couple of loads of washing and get them pegged out and went out with Kathy to look for Tim's Father's Day present without any luck........

Yesterday's word of the day was "Functioning" as in that was how I felt I was functioning I was not feeling great but I was up and managed to do my weekly shopping without much drama.  Although my sister Sandra acted like I was contagious or something which I am not if I was I am sure Tim who shares me bed and who I kiss each day would have been sick by now

I have still been drinking a lot of water but I can now drink other stuff as well and by other stuff I am talking about Pepsi oh and Blue I don't usually drink energy drinks don't have the need for them but since I have been so bloody tired drinking the V and taking "No Doz" tablets (caffeine tablets) are keeping me functioning for longer then a couple of hours..........

Tomorrow here is Father's Day and you know what this year it has snuck up on me that I blame on me being sick as all hell for what feels like


  1. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Happy Father's Day♡♡♡ I wish that at least you can have some decent meal tomorrow. It is good to hear that you seem to be on the mend. I am having the same feeling since I couldn't read and write to my fellow bloggers(^^;)
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I was only able to eat some hot chips today, just couldn't stomach anything else. Thanks for the hugs and love always makes me feel better

  2. i'm so pleased that you are, at last, starting to feel better. get lots of rest, keep up with the water and eat sensibly. you'll make it :)

  3. Happy to hear that you are finally feeling better!

    1. It is great to at least be functioning and not spending all my time in bed

  4. Wonderful to know you have improved. Soon you will be your normal self.

    1. I hope to be feeling better with each and every day

  5. I had a similar thing last week, I was away at a music festival for 4 days so my Blogs post had been piling up. Tried me best to catch up but in the end I had to pick and choose. Also great to hear you are feeling better. Mwah xxx

    1. I know that it is impossible to catch up when you have been away for a few days but it still felt strange deleting instead of reading

  6. You are close to being done with that horrible sickness, but don't forget to continue to take care of yourself so you won't have a relapse. You are in my prayers, my friend!

    1. Yes I think I am just about over it and not to soon for me liking and it is good to be in your prayers it makes me feel better

  7. I am so glad you are starting to feel better. Wow that has really hung in there for a bit.

    I don't know what it is about carbonated beverages to be so good when your are sick. Diet Coke is my fix all.

    Take it easy as you still are recovering.

    1. Yes it feels like I have been sick for ages and yes I love my Coke ever since I was a child it was the only thing I have been able to keep down while I am sick.

  8. Happy Fathers Day to Tim for tomorrow. You did the right thing by deleting those blogs, to take the pressure off. You can then start again from scratch. That's what I do, because when you're out of the loop for a while, you just can't possibly hope to catch up. I'm so sorry that you're still not feeling 100%. This really has been going on for a long time now . Take care

    1. Yes I am going to start from scratch since catching up is impossible to do when they build up like they had.

  9. I can see why you would have to do that sometimes. I get so behind very quickly, too. I was sick for a couple of days and am just catching up tonight. Any more than a couple of days and I have to skim read or skip myself. I hope you are feeling better and better! :):)

    1. I am functioning a bit more then I was on Friday so I guess with each new day I am starting to geel better.

  10. Ah, I just want you to well. Blogs and comments can wait. :)


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...