Sunday, 9 September 2012

A New Baby

At 7.14am this morning my niece Samantha became a mother for the first time she had a baby girl who she has named Hailey Jean 9lb 5oz she was in labour all day yesterday and had to be transferred from Belmont hospital to John Hunter Hospital because she wasn’t progressing. Her labour pains were in her back and down the front of her legs, her new daughter has long black hair and Aunty Jo can’t wait to see her………lol She had both her mother and her partner with her for the birth and should be home this afternoon sometime.

Now we are just waiting for my sister Sandra to have her daughter Samantha delivered 10 days early and Sandra is due in 10days time, yes they were both due on the same day.

I will post photos of the new baby when I get some.


  1. New life! Nothing more miraculous. :)

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yey, happy to hear the new lovely life (Hailey Jean) for your family member(*^_^*)
    I hope her mom can recover well soon!!!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Mum and bub are home they left the hospital after only 3 hours and are doing well

  3. A new baby in the family ! How wonderful , and soon there will be another little one. Blessings indeed. Congratulations to your niece .

    1. Yes a new baby is so great I am so excited and look forward to meeting little Hailey

  4. Happy Birthday to Hailey Jean!

  5. Awww, congratulations! Happy news~

    1. Very happy news love having new babies in the family

  6. Aww Congrats to her!! Being pregnant and having children is amazing


Week 10 of 2025

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