Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Day I Became A Mrs.................

28yrs ago today at 4pm I became a Mrs...............yes this is mine and Tim's wedding anniversary we have been married 28yrs and they have been pretty good years, not great years but all couples have their problems and I can still say that I am in love with him after all these years.

Anyway back to my wedding day the morning of my wedding I got up and I remember going to have my hair done and then back home to get my make up done which was done my my nanna. I wore a dress that belonged to my aunt and we hired the bridesmaids dresses and my mum bought some really awesome artificial flowers which one of my sisters used at her wedding.

You know I don't remember much about the preparations for the wedding my parents did most of that, we held the receiption in the church hall and I also remember that is rained most of the day and that my dad cried right at the end when me and Tim were leaving the receiption.

Looking back there was only one thing about my wedding I wish I could have changed but back then I didn't have much of a voice and didn't speak up and say anything, what would I change you are wondering well we had a traditional fruit cake and I do not eat fruit cake so that is the change I would have had a cake that I would have


  1. happy Anniversary thats so sweet thanks thanks for the support on the TV segment

  2. a very happy anniversary Tim and Jo-Anne

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both, hope you are having a lovely day & evening.

    1. I had a great day and a peaceful evening, Tim's evening was spent working so not so peaceful

  4. Happy Anniversary! I hope your family did something lovely to celebrate the day for you.

  5. Happy Anniversary. I hope your special marriage day is awesome and you do something very special to celebrate.

    I am not a big fan of the kind of fruit cake with citron. I do like the kind with only nuts and raisins. that kind of fruit cake is VERY hard to find.

    BTW: check out the shout to you on my last post, yesterday. :-)

    1. Been checked out your blog you deserve all the awards.

      Good to hear that I am not the only one not to like fruit cake, Tim and I are planning to go out for dinner tomorrow night it is cheaper on Monday nights.

  6. Congratulations, here's to many more together for you both

    1. Tim is the one I want to grow old with so have plans to be together forever

  7. Congratulations! And may I say your writing style excellently captures the sheer panic of living through such a day. Many happy more!

    1. Thank you we do hope to have many more years together

  8. Have a wonderful Anniversary! May you be blessed with many more!

    1. Thank you we do plan to be together for the rest of our lives

  9. Happy Anniversary!!!! I never liked fruit cake when I was younger but then someone gave me a gift of one at Christmas and it was wonderful. I guess, like everything else there are good ones and bad ones. I am a real fan of regular white wedding cake with butter-cream frosting though. Yum!

    1. I tried fruit cake a couple of years ago just to see if my tastes had changed they haven't I still do not like it............

  10. Hi Jo=Anne. Wishing you and Tim a very happy anniversary, and so lovely that you are still in love with him after all that time. I hope you are having a good day. I don't like fruit cake either!

    1. Thank you and we know how lucky we are to be able to say we are still in love after all these years........

  11. Happy anniversary! I hope it's been a wonderfully fun one. That really touched my heart about your dad crying when you were leaving...big lump in my throat!

    1. Didn't do anything yesterday but we are planning to go out for dinner tomorrow night as it is cheaper on Monday's......Dad crying made me cry to at the time

  12. Happy Anniversary, Jo-Anne!! Fruit cake? Hmmm....

    1. Thank you I gave Tim a nice card he didn't get me anything but that was expected he doesn't think of such things very often

  13. Happy Anniversary! Wow! 28 years! Congrats!! :)

  14. Happy Happy Anniversary! Huge congrats to still be in love after so many years. What a testament to you both! :)

    1. Thanks it has taken work to stay together but being in love makes it worth it......


Week 10 of 2025

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