Monday, 17 September 2012

Pesonal Hygiene

What are your thoughts on personal hygiene?  Do you shower or bath every day?

 Me for years and years I would have a bath every single night without fail but in the last year I have notice if I am not going out the next day I may not bother about a bath and since I have oily hair I would wash my hair every night but lately I have taken to washing my hair only 3 times a week Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are a must and usually of a Sunday night as well and these are the night I have to have a bath since I go out on Wednesday’s and Friday’s as well.

Now Tim use to have a shower every night but he has taken to only having one a couple of times a week and he gets really pissy with me if I tell him he stinks…………..which he does and since he works with the public remember he is a bus driver I feel he should be having a shower ever night and if he doesn’t have shower he should be changing all his clothes underwear included………… if I don’t have a bath I change all my clothes before going to bed and in fact I rarely wear the same thing two days in a row.

I feel I own enough clothes that I do not have to wear the same thing two days in a row in fact the only pants I like to wear more than once before washing them is jeans………

I also wash my hands a lot during the day as I wash them after going to the toilet and before handling food and often but not always before eating that I am a bit slack about……………lol 

Also I have never had a problem well not that I can remember anyway with anyone telling me I stunk……… however my daughter Jessica and her dad and also my daughter Natasha all have a problem with it the get really upcut about being told they stink…………….My thought is if those who love you can’t tell you who can would you rather a stranger say something………….

Speaking of strangers saying someone stinks what do you do if you are near someone who stinks do you say something……………… you don’t because we consider it rude…………………….lol or do you keep it to yourself and try not to breathe to much while around them and be glad when they have gone……………


  1. I don't tell strangers that they stink. I take a shower almost every day. If I don't, I get itchy and I think I stink, even if no one notices or says anything about it. I'm sorry to hear that Tim is stinky. Dr. X was, too. I used to get out clean clothes for him to wear each day, and I would put shower gel on a wash cloth and leave it in the shower for him. He wouldn't always wash, though, which I don't understand. What are we to do with stinky men? I got divorced, but there were more reasons than the odor.


    1. Yes Tim is so frustrating sometimes I have to take his dirty clothes and throw them into the wash basket so he doesn't wear them again......but how do I get him to shower each day is beyond me I can suggest but he is a 51yr old man and I can't make him have a shower.......thankfull I sleep with a C Pap mask over my face so I don't have to smell him at

  2. I recall that a bath was put in front of the open fire, water poured into bath, then the bathing would begin for the whole family all in the same water, once a week. My parents told me this.

    Shower everyday, sometimes twice depends on what we have been doing. Always clean clothes especially underwear every day.
    Washing of hands after the loo is a must, and washing before preparing food and eating. Also when necessary.
    That is what we do in this house.

    As children it was told and has been passed down that children have to eat a certain amount of
    I believe that we need certain germs to get our immune system used to them so that when we come across a bug we can cope better. Well something like that.

    I would never tell a family member that they smell, exception would be my husband and my children, but knowing them they would be well aware of their smell.

    1. Yes I remember my mum telling me about having a bath in a round tin tub in front of the fire when she was a girl, she was raised in the country she lived with her nan till she was 14yrs old.

      My girls ate a bit of dirt when they were little.....

  3. i take a shower every day and wash my hair too. i have only ever told anyone they stunk if they were drunk. we used to have these old winos that would come in after pissing themselves and that was too much. i had told one repeatedly he stank and offered to let him use our hose so the 3rd time he came in i fabreezed him! he got mad but i told him to call the cops if he wanted to complain about me! lol

    1. My daughter use to get a lot of homeless people going into the shop she worked at in town and many of them would smell really bad and sometimes they would have to get security to remove them from the store because other custmers would complain...............I think it was funny that you fabreezed

  4. I bathe everyday and some days twice, as I workout most days and hate to be sweaty afterwards. I wouldn't tell someone they smelled bad. I just wouldn't be able to.

    1. If I feel like I have gotten dirty or sweaty during the day then I have to have a bath it is only when I do nothing during the day that I am ok with not having one

  5. I take a shower every day and wash my hands until they are red at times with dermatitis - but I hate germs - when people around me catch a cold - it stays as a cold - when i get a cold I get bronchitis! So I am a nut.

    1. I have to wash my hands often during the day something I got from my dad.......

  6. I always shower every day, although my husband doesn't! Although he always has a good wash every day. For me, it's easier to just get in the shower and he done with it. Fortunately, he doesn't smell, because I would certainly have to tell him if he did! I wouldn't have the nerve to tell anyone else that they were stinky though!

    1. No I wouldn't tell strangers they stink I would think about it and may feel like it but I know I wouldn't do it......

  7. Ha! Well I'm still guilty of not showering every day but I don't see the need. I don't smell and my hair isn't bad either. So that covers that. In regards to telling someone they smell. I don't have it in me, I'm one of those who just try not to breath ;)

    1. That is how I feel if I am not dirty and don't smell and I am not going out the next day then I don't see the need to have a bath.......

  8. i'm one of those freaks that have to shower everyday if i don't i feel dirty regardless of whether i am or not I just feel better showering every day but that is what makes me weird

    Come Say HI

    1. You're not a freak you are just normal I think most people like to shower each day and it is more important if you are mixing with people during the day no one wants to stink......

  9. I shower each and every day unless I'm glued to the couch with a Migraine and even then, I'll try to get to the shower. I just feel icky if I don't. My hair gets oily too. I will tell people I know if their breath is bad or is they need some deodorant because I would want the same in return. I'm nice about it, I don't say, "Man, you stink, gross!" I'll say something like, "Hey, did you want some gum?" if they say no, I'll say, "Yes, I think it's a good idea. I can smell your lunch." LOL

    1. For so many years I had to have a bath each night but as I said it is only this year that I find that I can't always be bothered and I carry deodorant with me and everyone knows it and I often get a daughter or siter asking to borrow it.......

  10. I shower everyday. I have a schedule during the week and it's just part of it. Rarely I will skip a shower if I am not going anywhere that day.

    1. Yes for me every night at 6.30pm I would have a bath that is until this last year.......

  11. so crazy...the man on the treadmill next to me today smelled rotten. i stopped using that machine and moved to something else....then on the way home I thought the same thing...I would hope my loved ones would let me know if i didn't smell exactly like perfume!

    1. Yes I like to be told if I need to freshen up but some people do get so upset about being told they stink.......

  12. OK I had to laugh when I read this post. Interesting topic of conversation. I do not tell strangers they smell. I bathe regularly and do not wear the same clothes 2 days in a row. There you have it. :)

    1. Well I am glad I gave you a laugh sometimes the things that run through my head for posts are amusing to say the

  13. LOL... too funny. Ok, I shower every day and wash my hair too. If I am really sweaty I will take another shower because I feel really nasty... so there it is. LOL


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...