Sunday 31 December 2017

Wait till your father gets home............yes or no

Wait till your father gets home............yes or no

Today let's talk a little about punishment of children, on many tv shows when I was growing up you would usually hear the mother say the words “ wait till your father gets home”...............

These are words I never heard my mum say, if we were naughty she dealt with it, if we had to wait till dad got home we could have been waiting a few days, so mum thought it was better to deal with the issue when it happened.

Maybe this is why when my girls were little if they misbehaved I dealt with it, although Kathy has said she remembers me saying it but she is wrong. What I did say often when the girls were not paying attention to me was “either I can deal with this now or you can wait till dad gets home and let him deal with it”.

Of course with those options they would chose to let me deal with the issue because I didn't go off my head like Tim would. I also would tell Tim about any issues when he got home and I would tell him that I had deal with it, sometimes he thought I was too soft and want to add more punishment but I would say that is undermining me and that would also piss me off when he would try and do it.

If the issue was a serious one I might say to the girls that I would have discuss with dad their punishment, this they didn't like because Tim would go overboard in my opinion. Many times he would want to throw things in the bin because they wouldn't clean their room, this I thought was overboard because if we tossed it we would only have to replace the items at a later date. I would confiscate things and they would have to earn them back.

On many occasions I would tell Tim his punishment didn't match the crime, if fact I often said he was acting like they committed armed robbery when in fact they just didn't pay for a lollipop but things are wrong both things are theft but you don't toss someone in goal for pinching a lollipop. It any of that makes sense, it often didn't to Tim.

Did I smack my girls, yes I did a firm smack on the bum wasn't and isn't abuse, also Kathy had a habit of kicking the bedroom wall when sent to her room and I would go in and smack her legs, once I didn't hoping she would calm down and stop and she ended up kicking a hole in the wall, which made things worse when Tim found out.

Saturday 30 December 2017

The end is near

Well here we are at the end of 2017 only a day and a half till it is 2018, today is in some ways cooler then the last few days but it is really muggy due to the light rain we have had this morning. I don't have the air con on as I know Tim will say there is no need for it to be on, if he was at work I would have it on but I will cope somehow.

I woke up with a headache this morning, well in fact I had it from around 9pm last night and yes I have taken something for it but I still have it .

Tim and I went out to Kmart this morning, I wanted another clothes hoist as when I do my laundry lately I prefer to hang the clothes on a clothes hoist instead of going outside and hanging it on the line, as hanging clothes on the line outside causes me a lot of pain but I do not like the idea of using a clothes dryer when the weather is good.

I also wanted some skin care items and some new ¾ pants, Tim of course had to say “don't you have enough of those things” if I had enough I wouldn't want more. I have 3 pairs of ¾ pants that have holes in them which is why I wanted new pants.

Also asked Tim to get some strong pain-relief tablets when he went to the chemist as from the 1st January you will need a script to get them I got some yesterday showing my licence and told Tim to get some showing his licence but what he got was cold and flu tablets, oh well he tried. He was surprised when they asked to see his licence, even though I had explained about showing his licence to him a couple of times and how we will now need to get a script but of course he doesn't listen.

While at Kmart I found an item mum & dad have been looking for so I bought it for them, Tim of course was why are you getting that, I told him it was for mum and I know if I ask mum or dad will give me the $8 back but I don't need the money back I bought it because I wanted to. Also I had a $50 gift card for Kmart so not like Tim had to give me money for the stuff I bought.

Tomorrow night I will have Leo here as his mum is working New Years Day and will have to be up early, so just easier for all if he is here from tomorrow night, I may also have him New Years Day night depending on when his mum will get home that day. She is taking some people down to the Domain in Sydney, she always said she wouldn't do trips to Sydney but it is worth a couple of hundred dollars and she wants money for our holiday to Queensland in January.  

Wednesday 27 December 2017

My Christmas

Well Christmas is done and dusted for another year did everyone have a good day, I hope so..........

Christmas for me was pretty good, Christmas morning saw me up at 7.50am, Tim was already at work so I was alone, around 10ish I packed the car with gifts and went to my parents place for lunch.

It was a quiet Christmas lunch with only 6 of us there for lunch, although many people called in to see mum & dad or should that read nan & pop any way it was around 11ish when all the visitors had left and we could start preparing lunch.

I left and came home around 1.30pm and felt exhausted so decided to have a bath before having a lay down.

When Tim got home at around 7.30pm we exchanged gifts and then I went to bed as Boxing Day was going to be a big day and it was.

I had all the girls and grandchildren here for lunch yesterday (Boxing Day), I did a full baked lunch Kathy-Lee and Natasha helped me with the cooking which was nice and a big help.

I did get a lot of nice presents and felt loved and appreciated by all my family.

Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas or Xmas

Are you a Christmas or Xmas person for many years I would only write Christmas because I was under the impression that Xmas was in someway wrong but a couple of years ago someone told me different and so I did a Google search and found out the origins of the word Xmas.

So for those of you who do not know what the word Xmas means and like me just thought it was a lazy persons way of writing Christmas here is what Google says about the word.

The “X” comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Xpiotoc, which in English is “Christ” and the “mas” part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for Mass.

In the 1948 Vogue's Book of etiquette it said that the word “Xmas” should never be used in greeting cards. The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage states that the spelling should be considered informal and restricted to contexts where concision is valued, such as headlines and greeting cards. The Christian Writer's Manual of Style acknowledges the ancient and respectful use of Xmas in the past but states that the spelling should never be used in formal writing.

The word Xmas dates back to the 1700's it was included in a book by Bernard Ward in 1755, it was also found in a letter from George Woodward in 1753.

Let's jump forward a bit to the 1800's the word was used by Lord Byron in 1811 and by Lewis Carroll in 1864. In the United States, the fifth American edition of the Royal Standard English Dictionary published in 1800 included a list of common abbreviations and the word “Xmas” was included.

Since the late 1900's the word “Xmas” has been used in a lot in advertisements, headlines and banners and of course can be found on Christmas Cards. Merriam-Webster's dictionary feel that it's association with commerce has done nothing for its reputation.

In 1977 New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson sent out a press release saying he wanted journalists to keep the “Christ” in Christmas and not call it Xmas, which he called a pagan spelling of Christmas.

I am still a Christmas person but no longer get all pissy over the word Xmas, but, however, you spell it I wish you a wonderful and Merry Christmas filled with love and presents..............


Thursday 21 December 2017

Not so hot but oh so tired

Good afternoon everyone, a much cooler day today, with temps in the mid 20's after a few days of stinking hot weather, yesterday it was 44°c here.

This morning I slept in till around 9am and as soon as I got up I got dressed and went to the shops before Tim had to go to work so now I have a quiet peaceful afternoon ahead of me. Had to get a few more gift bags and a couple of more presents.

Tomorrow I will have to set my alarm so I can be up dressed and out of the house by 8am as tomorrow is Friday and going to be a long and busy morning/day.

I have no motivation to do anything today but when I got home I found Natasha had brought over her laundry for me to do she said she will pick it up tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Wrapping Done

This morning I finally sorted out my Christmas presents when Jessica turned up to help me the bed was covered in gifts ready to be placed in bags which Jessica helped me with but I ran out of gift bags, so I will have to get some more bags on Friday.

I also discovered that I don't have a few gifts so will have to get them on Friday as well.

Now my table is covered in gifts for the family, I am sure Tim will have something to say about the table full of gifts. He does feel like I over do it, which is why I prefer to bag them up when he isn't here, so I don't have to listen to him complain.

Monday 18 December 2017

What Christmas is usually like for me

As I expect most people if not all people would know Christmas in Australia comes at the start of Summer, it isn't uncommon to have stinking hot Christmas Days.

When I was a child we use to get up and open presents have ham on toast for breakfast, tin ham at that. We then loaded the car up with presents and head to my grandparents house which was only a 3 minute drive.

Christmas lunch was a traditional hot roast meal with turkey, pork, ham (not tinned) and lots of baked veggies followed by plum pudding with ice cream or custard, I don't eat plum pudding but often my nan would give me a a small piece of plum pudding that had a couple of sixpence in it.

Nowadays in my family we don't have a hot meal we do still have turkey, pork and ham (not tinned) with seafood and salads and we don't have plum pudding as the only ones who like it is my parents. We also have either a potato bake or baked potatoes because both me and my brother love baked potatoes.

We have never had a BBQ on Christmas Day and don't know of anyone who has, although I am sure that some people might do that.

In my family some years Jessica and Leo will spend Christmas Eve here with Tim and me and Santa will visit Leo here but I think this year they will be spending it with Kelli and Daemon because Jonathon has to work and Kelli doesn't want to be alone.

If it is just me and Tim here we get up when we wake up and the girls will usually pop over to exchange gifts and Tim and I will go to my parents place and Jessica and Leo will often have Christmas lunch with Kelli & Jonathon or maybe they will just go home and have a quiet afternoon alone. Kathy-Lee and her family usually have Christmas lunch at her home and will visit us and Michael's family during the day.

For many years after we stopped going to my grandparents for Christmas lunch we all went to my parents place but now our children are all grown and have children of their own that has changed and I get why it has changed but sometimes I miss the big Christmas Day lunches.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Christmas with the family or not so much

Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving is you celebrate Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family?

How did that feel?

I have never done spent a Christmas away from my family and all who know me would get that to do so would feel so wrong.

Hell the first year we didn't go to my grandparents for Christmas felt strange, but at least I was still with my parents and siblings and of course Tim and the girls.

As my daughters have grown into women and mothers themselves our Christmas Day celebrations have changed but I get that they have other people they may want to see and spend the day with is it disappointing yes it is.

Kathy tells me she doesn't feel like she fits in when she goes to her grandparents place but she also doesn't feel like she fits in when she goes to Michael's family. This does upset me but I don't say much is after all she is 32 so what can I say.

Jessica is the same she would rather spend the day with her cousin than with us.

Tim also has a habit of saying he doesn't fit in and is convinced that my siblings don't like him and maybe a couple don't but what do I care, I love him as does my parents.

It is upsetting when those I love so much and who mean so much to me would rather be with other people then with other people who I love and who mean so much to me.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Christmas traditions or not

Are your holidays steeped in tradition?

Or are you a see what happens on the day type of person?

Or maybe for you it is a bit of both.

As a child tradition played a big part in Christmas celebrations for me, and as a young mother also but the last few years things have changed my daughters are all mothers and like to do their own thing on Christmas Day.

Some years Jessica and Leo will spend Christmas Eve here so Santa can visit Leo as Jessica doesn't like to play Santa and fill Leo's Christmas sack, however, this year she has said she will be spending Christmas Eve at her cousins house because Kelli doesn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve, her partner Jonathon is working.

Kathy and Michael will be going to his brother and sister in-laws house for Christmas lunch this year, some times I get the impression that we are not good enough for Kathy & Michael his family are more upper class. Kathy says she doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere, this is something her father says as well.

I have no idea what Natasha and Blain are doing on Christmas Day, if Blain is with his mum we will see them but if he is with his dad and Kelli she may decide to spend the day with Steve and if that is the case we will not see her.

Monday 11 December 2017

Christmas Cards

Let's talk about cards............Christmas card  in particular

Do you send them? Or not so much, or not at all.

Do you like to receive them? Or maybe you think they are a waste of time and just something else you need to toss in the bin.

Maybe you prefer Ecards that you can look at and forget about.

I am sure it comes as no surprise that I send Christmas cards and Ecards and I love receiving  them and have them displayed on my wall. They help decorate the house.

I don't remember when I started sending out Christmas cards been doing it for so long, my mum always sent out cards and I can remember as a child all the cards we received hanging in the lounge room.

Like my mum I also send cards to the my doctors surgery and my chemist, places I visit a bloody lot during the year. This habit she picked up from her mother.

Sunday 10 December 2017

Thank you messages

Today I am just going to share the few messages Mr Claus has received in the last week, the first one is from Michelle (Landon's mum)

Thank you Mrs Claus for my book and we all thank you for the card

Then I received this one from my niece Kirsty.

Hi Aunty Jo. Your 'baubles' and book arrived today. Thank you so so much! We read volume 1 every night, Kelsi absolutely loves it she will be so excited to read volume 2 tonight! I was just saying to Jacob you are like the nan of the grand kids, I know you are aunty but you are so thoughtful to all the grandkids! I really appreciate all the time effort and love you out into it all so thanks so much for being u! We love you lots from Queensland! Xx

Then last night I received this one from my sister Sandra

Hey sis huge thank you for my Xmas pressie the gift card and card Xmas card in mail today and Mrs gift for you sis wanted to hug n kiss u this morning but u not at brekkie.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Organised Me, maybe

The other day I asked how organised for the Christmas holidays you are and how organised I am.........

Well compared to some I am pretty organised, I start my Christmas shopping in January but really kick it up a gear around the middle of the year. I am always checking out clearance racks for a bargain and have a gift box under my bed that I store things in as I buy them during the year after Christmas it is pretty much empty by the middle of the year it is full and overflowing meaning it has spread to another box or two.

Around the middle of November I did out my Christmas tee shirts and Christmas jewellery and at the end of the November I spend a day or two writing my Christmas card. I get 10 personalised cards with photos of me and Tim for a few people and buy some special cards for my siblings and parents.

Also I am checking out Groupon for deals which is where I found the deal for the personalised story books for the very young members of the family, as well as other things.

So how organised do you think I sound?

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Busy with Christmas stuff

Hello everyone, I am still alive and all been bloody busy with writing Christmas cards and yesterday I spent a few hours Christmas shopping, went out to get gifts for my parents and two of my daughters and sisters and of course my brother. I did manage to get some things but still have a lot more to do which I will try and do on Saturday, some people are so bloody hard to buy for so some gift cards will be bought.

After a number of hot days here yesterday was cooler and wetter, thankfully I managed to get my shopping done before it started to rain in fact it pissed down rain 5 minutes after I got home and I had to rush out and wind the windows up in the car as I had left them all down. The reason I was glad I got my shopping done before it rained was because out at Glendale it is open as in not under cover so could have got pretty wet if it rained then.

I also hired a motorised scooter to do the shopping which made it so much easier for me and allowed me to get around without being in a lot of pain.

Every morning for the last couple of weeks I have some Christmas cards to be posted, I get Leo to jump out of the car and post them for me. He also has taken things into my parents house for me when I have called around to drop things off.

Oh yeah yesterday when I was out shopping I picked up some Christmas decorations for Kathy-Lee and since I was only a couple of minutes from the day care centre that she works at I called around and dropped what I bought her off. Kathy-Lee said that I embarrassed her by calling in.

Over the weekend I started to decorate my house still have a few things to do but had to get some double sided tape to put the decorations up with.

This morning I am in light weight long pants as it is another cooler day and it is suppose to rain again today, I also have to go to the doctors after I take Leo to school, I need a script for my insulin.

I can tell you this morning it was a real effort to get out of bed, I am so bloody tied this morning and I just want to go back to bed but I have a little boy to get to school and a doctor to visit.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Things I need to do

I think I need set apart a day to do some more posts for my unposted folder because many of my days are so busy or I am feeling so tired that I forget to do a post.

I also need to work on some Christmas posts, to do this might mean I skip a day reading blogs because there is only so much I can do in a day or maybe that should read morning. I am a morning person, after lunch I am not one for doing much of anything.

I have started writing down what gifts I have stored away, done three boxes so far still have a heavy larger box to do will need someone to drag it out into the lounge room for me as it is too heavy for me to get it out from under the bed and drag it out to the lounge room. I prefer to do this when Tim isn't home so I don't have to listen to him complain about how much I buy and ask why I bought this thing or that thing.

Jessica has had another student added to her school run morning and afternoon and this means it is now around 4.10pm by the time she gets home in the afternoon so I have close to an hour that I am sitting in the car waiting for her to get home. Leo goes inside and plays his Xbox, I could go inside too if I wanted to but I am ok just sitting in the car reading. Only 2 ½ weeks of school to go before they break up for the Christmas holidays, that is the big holidays around 6-7 weeks off school they will go back at the end of January.

I also want to get my Christmas decorations out and start to decorate the house for Christmas and when school breaks up Leo wants me to take him shopping for a Christmas present for his mum.

I have managed to do a heap of Christmas cards still have a heap to do, I am doing a few each day because of my tremor I can only write for a short period of time before the shaking makes writing near impossible.

Monday 27 November 2017

Another did you know Monday

Hello Monday, and Monday means is did you know day so this week I am asking did you no...................

Until 1818 shoes were interchangeable, yeah there was no difference between the right and left shoes, what the hell is with that. Anyway it was King George IV of England (of course England) who changed the tradition by ordering that a set of boots be made to fit each foot specifically.

The first pop video was “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen in 1975

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 and in 1927 Walt came up with the idea of a cartoon mouse call “Mortimer”, it was his wife who convinced him to change the name to Mickey Mouse.

Vincent Van Gogh, the world's most valued painter, sold only one painting in his entire life, to his brother who owned an art gallery, the painting was called “Red Vineyard at Arles”................

Thursday 23 November 2017

Organised for the holidays Yes or Not

Hello everyone didn't get around to doing a post yesterday no reason why just didn't. Anyway here I am on this lovely Thursday morning starting a post about what, let me think what should I write about, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Well with the Christmas holidays just around the corner let us talk about being organised for the holidays.

How do you stay organised?

What do you think about me, how organised do you think I would be?

Should I answer that question here and now, or should I wait till tomorrow to answer it, maybe I will wait and see what others think before I answer, yes that is what I will do I will do a post tomorrow answering that question that way I get two posts out of one question.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

A Gift from Nicole

Last Friday in the mail I received this parcel.

It was from Nicole who can be found here:

It contained these items.

Have to say it made me feel so happy and it was just in time for my birthday which was on Thursday.

If you have never paid Nicole a visit you should do so she had an amazing blog and is an amazing woman.

Monday 20 November 2017

My Weekend/Party

This last weekend was up and down, leopotatoface is the best. The last few words about Leo were by Leo and I said I would leave it in to make him happy.

There was a party for my birthday on Saturday at my parents place, there was a nice turn out for the party and all the food was eaten just had KFC & Pizzas and of course there was cake, this cake......

I received a lot of nice presents as you can see:

I had a few drinks buy didn't get drunk, just had enough to feel relaxed, I am not much of a drinker.

Sunday saw me at home doing laundry and watching telly.

I know all these things are ups and not downs, the down was Friday night when Tim came home from work in a mood, he was pissed off with me because I bought some story books for my very young nieces and nephews which I will send to them from “Mrs Claus” the books only cost $3 each and are personalised with their name in them. This is just a little thing I like to do each year but Tim doesn't want me to do so because they don't buy gifts for us or our grandchildren but that in my opinion isn't here or there. So his mood was upsetting to me but by Saturday he was acting in a better mood which meant I was able to enjoy my party.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Turning 55

What is age?

Some people say it is just a number, some people say it is just how old you feel......................

I remember my grandmother (nanna) refusing to tell people how old she was, she used to say you never ask a woman how old she is and a woman should never say how old she is.....................

I am not like that I have never had a problem saying how old I am......................

Today I turned 55.......................

It was a Friday that I came into the world a tiny little premature bub weighing 4lb something and look at me know, a short fat woman...................

I am loved and appreciated and I am part of a wonderful loving family, I have a good life and I am happy, for me life is good, even with my sore stinging knee pain and a tremor that makes many things difficult.

My favourite colour is purple

My favourite time of year is Christmas time

My hobbies are blogging and penpalling

I love giving a little more then receiving but I do like to receive gifts 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Photo Wednesday


Monday 13 November 2017

Did you know

Well Monday is here again, so here are some more did you know facts....................

When you think Christmas lunch or dinner you think turkey but in older times, goose,swan and even peacock were specialities at Christmas time. A peacock was severed with all its real feathers, its peak would be covered in gold leaf and it would be set on fire.............what the hell...............

In 1876 when constructing the 550 foot tall Washington Monument, at the stage when it was at the 153 feet tall, workers needed to get a rope to the top, but they did not have any sort of scaffolding. So what did they do, they tied a thread to the leg of a pigeon put him inside the unfinished tower and made a sudden noise. The frightened bird flew up to the top and out, a string was attached to the thread and pulled to the top, and then a rope was pulled to the top with the string, what the hell.

Some people in China use live quail in the winter as hand warmers, really what the hell..................

There was once a flock of ducks that lived on the roof of a hotel in Memphis Tennessee, USA, who used to take the hotel lift down to the ground floor when they wanted to go anywhere, yeah like I believe that..................

There is a wild edible plant called Hernandulcin which is one thousand times sweeter than sugar......

Saturday 11 November 2017

Some Random Thoughts

Here are some of my random thoughts that I had during the last week.

It is November the days are suppose to be getting warmer and yet again it has been cold and wet and had to find my long pants again, granted not track pants but still long pants and even had to dig out a long sleeve pyjama shirt to wear the other night.

I am so fed up with my right leg at the moment still have a lot of pain in it and walking makes it worse, that said the morphine patch is helping a lot, has greatly reduced the pain level, I hope the doctor gives me another script for them.

Some children when they are not feeling 100 % try and talk their way into having the day of school but not Leo he talked me into letting him go to school. He is coughing and has had a slight fever on and off but he still wants to go to school.

Tim wants me to see a different doctor about the pain in my knee and I know that it is properly a good idea but I am not keen on it.

Turns out Leo has an ear infection, the school rang Jess yesterday and told her he was complaining of an ear ache, so she took him to the doctors after school.

Jessica is working again this weekend well Saturday so of course I have Leo again today and Kathy-Lee is going to Charlestown for me to pay my mums laybys and get scripts from the chemist for me I hope she knows where to go as she left her phone here. She also needs to go to Jessica's house and pick up Leo's antibiotics because naturally his mum left them at home.

My mum just rang me and told me she just had a terrible fright she had a knock at the back door and she was home alone and on the toilet and yelled out hang on a sec, the next thing she knew she had this strange man standing in front of her while she is still sitting on the toilet. He was a delivery man with a delivery for her but she has never had a delivery man just wander into her house and down the hall looking for someone. I have told her to ring and lodge a complaint about this person.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Just another Thursday

Here we are at another Thursday and it is still cool/cold and wet on and off during the day, I don't have much on today after I take Leo to school I will be going to the doctor to tell him how I think the patch has worked.

I woke up with no energy this morning maybe I am getting sick, Jessica was sick last night and had to leave Tafe early to go home and to bed. Leo has been feeling sick the last couple of days as well.

Dad went to the doctor on Tuesday and mentioned the coughing up blood and the doctor wasn't concerned at all he said that because dad has a real lot of scarring around where his lung was removed so not surprising that he coughed up a bit of blood.

Yesterday I missed my aqua class because I wasn't sending Leo to school but at 8.20am he comes out said he felt fine and wanted to go to school and by the time I got him to school and I got to the pool there was no where to park so I just decided to give it a miss.

Last night Leo didn't feel well again I thought he would be having today off school but he has other thoughts on the matter and just asked me how long before he goes to school. Although he is still coughing but he still insists on going to school.

I need to get my ass into gear and start getting to work ordering my Christmas cards and calendars as it is only 7 weeks till Christmas.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

A Photo Today

                                             SELFIE OF ME AND LEO TAKEN BY LEO

Monday 6 November 2017

Did you's Monday

Here we are at another Monday, this week's did you know facts are as follows:

In the future it is possible that people will be able to regrow missing arms or legs, like a salamander can grow a new tail, what the hell........... Research has shown promising results in getting bone to grow with the application of electricity. Already with children under the age of five who have lost the tip of a finger complete regrowth has been achieved, really, I don't remember hearing about this

Every person has a unique tongue print...........................

When you laugh you expel short bursts of air up to 70 miles per hour...............................

Babies under six months old can breathe and swallow at the same time, adults and those over six months cannot...........................

Lastly did you know a cats hearing is even more sensitive then a dogs, but don't tell them they already think they are better then dogs and humans..................

Sunday 5 November 2017

Some Random Thoughts

Haven't done some random thoughts in a while so this Monday I am starting a random thoughts post this is a post that I start on the Monday and fill it with random thoughts I have during the week and post it on Saturday, just for those who don't know what a random thoughts post is about.

Morphine patch is working

Sleeping tablet steadied my tremor, now to just get the Dr prescribed them to me

I wrote 8 letters in one day, that was good

Tim has picked Leo up from school on the motorbike two days this week and he loved it, what I love is that I was able to have a nap those afternoons

Woke up on Wednesday morning with sore feet, it hurt to stand on them but since I cannot walk on my hands had to just deal with it.

On Wednesday I called to drop something off to mum on the way to take Leo to school and she gave Leo a present for him from Dave & Leigh which they bought for him at Movieworld which he loves, he also gave me a keyring from Dave & Leigh which I love.

This new morphine patch is helping but it is also making me tired during the day but if I have a nap its all good.

Jessica & Leo with Kelli & Daemon have gone to visit a friend up near Casino, so Leo gets Friday off school.

Walking along, knee gives out causing me to jar the knee followed by horrible pain for the rest of the day.

Picked up Jessica's Christmas present today.

A cold wet weekend here, the weather is all over the place

Thursday 2 November 2017

Thursday Catchup

Hello everyone, damn it is Thursday already where has the week gone, during the lead up to Christmas starting from the beginning of November the weeks seem to go by faster for me.

Yesterday I woke up with heavy aching feet/legs they felt like I had been standing on them all night, weird or what but I still did half and hour of exercise and my aqua aerobics. This morning the same thing aching legs and feet but I reckon the aqua aerobics are starting to kick in and that is why my legs are aching today but my feet I really don't get whey they are so sore and aching, oh and yeah they are swollen like I have fluid retained in my feet. Again I got up and did half and hour of exercising.

This afternoon I don't need to get Leo from school as Kelli is picking him up, her, Jess and their boys are going to see their friend Jay who lives near Casino they are driving up and will be sharing the driving.

Jessica has asked Tasha to feed her bunnies while she is gone but if she doesn't I will do it I will know if she does it or not as she would have to get the key off me.

Two afternoons this week Tim picked Leo up from school on the motorbike which Leo loved and that allowed me to have a nap so I was happy with that too.

The older Leo gets the more of a help he is to me, empting bins and doing little things around the house and last night he helped papa take the bins up to the street ready to be emptied today and this morning because it was empty he brought down the recycle bin for me.

Well that's all from me for this post............

Monday 30 October 2017

Did you know...................Monday

Hello Monday, and of course Monday means it is did you know day, so here we go with this weeks facts.

There are about 200 yellow seeds all over the outside of a strawberry and technically each of these contain a tiny seed of its own....................

Lobsters can live for a hundred years....................

If you took a glass of water and magnified it to the size of the Earth, each molecule of water would be the size of a tennis ball....................

Diamonds have been found in meteorites but they are so small that they cannot be seen without a microscope. There may be millions of tons of diamond dust in space....................

The sun loses up to a billion kilograms of weight every on earth do they know this..................

Saturday 28 October 2017

Christmas Shopping

Have you started your Christmas shopping?

All the stores now have Christmas decorations and trees as well as cards for sale, in fact these items go one sale far too early for my liking.

As some of you may know I start my Christmas shopping in January and like to buy stuff all year round and keep it stored in a gift box under the bed which in January is near empty but by this time of year the gifts are stored in two boxes. I also have a box of Avon which I have bought during the year which I also give as gifts.

Last week I started buying the special Christmas cards for my sisters, brother and mum & dad. I also order some personalised Christmas cards from Vistaprint which I send to penpals and other family members.

Tim of course says I spend to much on Christmas in general and presents in particular which annoys me, you would think after 33yrs he would know how much I love Christmas.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Do you read the newspaper?

Do you read the newspaper?

When I was younger I used to read the newspaper quite often but not so much now days, some days I will buy a newspaper usually on a Saturday. When I do I like to read most of it but not interested in sport or racing.

I can remember the days when we used to get the paper delivered each Saturday but haven't done that in 20 odd years.

When I was a child I remember the paper boy coming around delivering the afternoon paper, yeah back then the paper came out twice a day morning and afternoon.

I know many people read the paper via a tablet or phone or sometimes a computer but not me I just can't be bothered to do so, I am a bit old fashion I like the feel and smell of a paper or a book.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Home again

Hello everyone I am home now after being away for 9 nights dog/house sitting will be good to sleep in my own bed.

Last night Leo was restless and around 2am he came into me upset because he was unable to sleep, I told him to lay next to me and have a cuddle which he did and in minutes he was asleep in my arms and slept till 7.50am when I woke up.

The night before (Sunday night) I had a bad nights sleep with the dogs being very unsettled and hearing a woman speaking in a whisper, it sounded like she was talking to the dogs, I believe it was Aunty Joyce. The house used to be Aunty Joyce's house before she died.

I went back to the doctor this morning about the pain in my right knee area and he said the ultrasound showed nothing and he had no idea what is causing the stinging pain in the knee area but has prescribed a pain relief patch.

It is called Norspan this is a brand of transdermal buprenorphine (Buprenorphine (BYOO-pre-NOR-feen)('bu-pre-'nor-feen) is an opioid medication used to treat opioid addiction in the privacy of a physician’s office Buprenorphine can be dispensed for take home use, by prescription)

He wants me to give it a try for 2 weeks and go back and see him, I asked about something to help me sleep but no of course not, bet it would be different if he couldn't sleep. Anyway I will get the patch on Friday as it costs $38.80 and I don't have the money at the moment.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Scared of animals

Are you ever scared of animals?

Many people are scared of dogs, myself included, dogs I do not know and large dogs. I have a memory of being bitten by a dog when I was a child maybe that is why I am scared of dogs.

I think many people are scared of certain breeds of dogs such as Pitbulls, Rottweiler and German Shepherd now so many people will say it isn't the breed it is the owner of the dog and the way the dog is treated and maybe that is true is some way but you don't hear of a Dachshund or a Chihuahua turning and attacking its owner.

I am not saying smaller dogs don't attack they do and they do bite but it is the larger dogs that generally speaking do the most damage when they attack or bite.

I am also scared of horses because of their size they are large and that scares me, now I am sure that I would feel different if I had been raised around horses but I wasn't and I am scared.


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...