Monday, 27 November 2017

Another did you know Monday

Hello Monday, and Monday means is did you know day so this week I am asking did you no...................

Until 1818 shoes were interchangeable, yeah there was no difference between the right and left shoes, what the hell is with that. Anyway it was King George IV of England (of course England) who changed the tradition by ordering that a set of boots be made to fit each foot specifically.

The first pop video was “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen in 1975

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 and in 1927 Walt came up with the idea of a cartoon mouse call “Mortimer”, it was his wife who convinced him to change the name to Mickey Mouse.

Vincent Van Gogh, the world's most valued painter, sold only one painting in his entire life, to his brother who owned an art gallery, the painting was called “Red Vineyard at Arles”................


  1. Interchangeable shoes- good for a hangover, bad for life...

  2. Gosh Jo-Anne, didn't know about the shoes!

  3. Interesting facts! I didnt know about the shoes...and Van Gogh only sold one painting

  4. I knew about three of these and would disagree with the first pop video. I remember the Beatles having a crazy video that went with Strawberry Fields and another one back in the late 60s. It was before MTV was around. :)

  5. Ricky Nelson used to make videos that played at the end of the Ozzy and Harriet Show. I don't know what year that was, but it was probably the late '50s or early '60s. There are a lot of arguments about who made the first video. I wonder if those shoes were comfortable because sometimes I get a pair of shoes and one shoe fits well and the other doesn't.


    1. Yeah I thought the video thing would have happened earlier and I can't imagine the shoes being comfortable but who knows

  6. Interesting about the shoes. Must be uncomfortable for one of the feet. You all have a super day.

    1. Yeah can't imagine them being comfortable but I guess that would have been what people were use to

  7. I'd certainly disagree about the first pop video. Maybe there were certain parameters as to how to define a "pop video" that would make the Queen claim legitimate, but I recall seeing many music videos in the sixties that could probably be considered in the pop video category.

    Good call to change Mortimer's name to Mickey. It's catchier. One too many syllables in Mortimer and it sounds archaic.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Yes I also thought it would have been earlier but what do I know, Mortimer Mouse doesn't sound as good as Mickey Mouse.


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