Monday, 20 November 2017

My Weekend/Party

This last weekend was up and down, leopotatoface is the best. The last few words about Leo were by Leo and I said I would leave it in to make him happy.

There was a party for my birthday on Saturday at my parents place, there was a nice turn out for the party and all the food was eaten just had KFC & Pizzas and of course there was cake, this cake......

I received a lot of nice presents as you can see:

I had a few drinks buy didn't get drunk, just had enough to feel relaxed, I am not much of a drinker.

Sunday saw me at home doing laundry and watching telly.

I know all these things are ups and not downs, the down was Friday night when Tim came home from work in a mood, he was pissed off with me because I bought some story books for my very young nieces and nephews which I will send to them from “Mrs Claus” the books only cost $3 each and are personalised with their name in them. This is just a little thing I like to do each year but Tim doesn't want me to do so because they don't buy gifts for us or our grandchildren but that in my opinion isn't here or there. So his mood was upsetting to me but by Saturday he was acting in a better mood which meant I was able to enjoy my party.


  1. You know...I can truthfully sincerely say, I like you! You are a good woman through and through. Just saying.

    1. Thank you so much that made me smile and feel good

  2. Sounds like you are really a good person to get those little presents for the children. That means so much to them. Happy Birthday to you and hope you had a good day and will have many more.

    1. Yes they do like getting a little gift from Mrs Claus and I like doing it

  3. Your cake looks nice.
    Thoughtful of you to buy others presents, it's the thought that counts, doesn't matter if they don't return your thought.

  4. What a nice birthday!!
    I agree--it's the thought that counts. :)

  5. Your cake and gifts are beautiful, as you are.


  6. Leopotatoface is the best at what?


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