Sunday, 5 November 2017

Some Random Thoughts

Haven't done some random thoughts in a while so this Monday I am starting a random thoughts post this is a post that I start on the Monday and fill it with random thoughts I have during the week and post it on Saturday, just for those who don't know what a random thoughts post is about.

Morphine patch is working

Sleeping tablet steadied my tremor, now to just get the Dr prescribed them to me

I wrote 8 letters in one day, that was good

Tim has picked Leo up from school on the motorbike two days this week and he loved it, what I love is that I was able to have a nap those afternoons

Woke up on Wednesday morning with sore feet, it hurt to stand on them but since I cannot walk on my hands had to just deal with it.

On Wednesday I called to drop something off to mum on the way to take Leo to school and she gave Leo a present for him from Dave & Leigh which they bought for him at Movieworld which he loves, he also gave me a keyring from Dave & Leigh which I love.

This new morphine patch is helping but it is also making me tired during the day but if I have a nap its all good.

Jessica & Leo with Kelli & Daemon have gone to visit a friend up near Casino, so Leo gets Friday off school.

Walking along, knee gives out causing me to jar the knee followed by horrible pain for the rest of the day.

Picked up Jessica's Christmas present today.

A cold wet weekend here, the weather is all over the place


History of Newcastle New South Wales

  Today, we are looking at a bit of the history of Newcastle in New South Wales, the town was named after the famous coal port in England, N...