Thursday, 16 November 2017

Turning 55

What is age?

Some people say it is just a number, some people say it is just how old you feel......................

I remember my grandmother (nanna) refusing to tell people how old she was, she used to say you never ask a woman how old she is and a woman should never say how old she is.....................

I am not like that I have never had a problem saying how old I am......................

Today I turned 55.......................

It was a Friday that I came into the world a tiny little premature bub weighing 4lb something and look at me know, a short fat woman...................

I am loved and appreciated and I am part of a wonderful loving family, I have a good life and I am happy, for me life is good, even with my sore stinging knee pain and a tremor that makes many things difficult.

My favourite colour is purple

My favourite time of year is Christmas time

My hobbies are blogging and penpalling

I love giving a little more then receiving but I do like to receive gifts 


  1. Happy Birthday Jo-Anne, have a beautiful day.

  2. Happy birthday, you young thing.

  3. Happy birthday, dear one.


  4. Happy Birthday. Its nice to hear that you are happy and coping with your pains. I hope you have many more happy years. I'm 20 years older than you.

    1. Yeah I hope to have many more awesome birthdays like the last one

  5. I hope you've had a great day. I have shoes older than you:)

  6. Happy Birthday! I hope you have some fabulous plans for the weekend!!!

    1. We had a birthday party for me yesterday (Saturday)it was a good day


Woman's work in war times

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