Monday, 6 November 2017

Did you's Monday

Here we are at another Monday, this week's did you know facts are as follows:

In the future it is possible that people will be able to regrow missing arms or legs, like a salamander can grow a new tail, what the hell........... Research has shown promising results in getting bone to grow with the application of electricity. Already with children under the age of five who have lost the tip of a finger complete regrowth has been achieved, really, I don't remember hearing about this

Every person has a unique tongue print...........................

When you laugh you expel short bursts of air up to 70 miles per hour...............................

Babies under six months old can breathe and swallow at the same time, adults and those over six months cannot...........................

Lastly did you know a cats hearing is even more sensitive then a dogs, but don't tell them they already think they are better then dogs and humans..................


  1. I didn't know about the tongue print. The regrowing of limbs sound interesting!

    1. I know it would be interesting and good if it was possible

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - Monday is the easy one to remember and the one I'd prefer to remember ... the others I'd have to get my brain into gear - even if I can laugh out air bursts at 70 mph! Cheers Hilary

    1. I get that some days remembering what day it is, is hard enough

  3. I actually had read about the regrowing of fingertips and knew cats hearing is phenomenal...but the rest was new to me. :)

  4. HA, I didn't know a single one of those facts.

  5. When I laugh short bursts of snot fly out of my nose. It's a little embarrassing.


  6. Yes, but that still doesn't explain how my cats know I'm talking about them when I'm in another room. Did that statistic mention anything about their secret retention of English?

    1. No it didn't it is weird how they seem to know what we are saying

  7. Cats, LOL! Whaddaya gonna do...

  8. Some of those things I didn't know Jo-Anne. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Interesting - I didn't know any of them.

  10. And, it probably goes without saying, bits of spit at 70 miles an hour.


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