Saturday, 11 November 2017

Some Random Thoughts

Here are some of my random thoughts that I had during the last week.

It is November the days are suppose to be getting warmer and yet again it has been cold and wet and had to find my long pants again, granted not track pants but still long pants and even had to dig out a long sleeve pyjama shirt to wear the other night.

I am so fed up with my right leg at the moment still have a lot of pain in it and walking makes it worse, that said the morphine patch is helping a lot, has greatly reduced the pain level, I hope the doctor gives me another script for them.

Some children when they are not feeling 100 % try and talk their way into having the day of school but not Leo he talked me into letting him go to school. He is coughing and has had a slight fever on and off but he still wants to go to school.

Tim wants me to see a different doctor about the pain in my knee and I know that it is properly a good idea but I am not keen on it.

Turns out Leo has an ear infection, the school rang Jess yesterday and told her he was complaining of an ear ache, so she took him to the doctors after school.

Jessica is working again this weekend well Saturday so of course I have Leo again today and Kathy-Lee is going to Charlestown for me to pay my mums laybys and get scripts from the chemist for me I hope she knows where to go as she left her phone here. She also needs to go to Jessica's house and pick up Leo's antibiotics because naturally his mum left them at home.

My mum just rang me and told me she just had a terrible fright she had a knock at the back door and she was home alone and on the toilet and yelled out hang on a sec, the next thing she knew she had this strange man standing in front of her while she is still sitting on the toilet. He was a delivery man with a delivery for her but she has never had a delivery man just wander into her house and down the hall looking for someone. I have told her to ring and lodge a complaint about this person.


  1. OMG! The delivery man thing was really creepy and scary!! I hope she reported him!!

    1. Yes it was and yes she has already sent an email complaining and will ring them tomorrow when they are opened

  2. That's terrifying! How dare a delivery person enter the house? Tell her to lock the doors, too.


    1. She usually does have the door locked but dad went out yesterday morning and left the door open.

  3. Always a good idea to have another opinion about your knee. Morphine patches - don't get addicted.
    Good heavens, your mum should keep the door locked of her house, that delivery man does need reporting.

    1. Yeah mum has reported the delivery guy she generally does have the door closed but dad left it opened.


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