Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Things I need to do

I think I need set apart a day to do some more posts for my unposted folder because many of my days are so busy or I am feeling so tired that I forget to do a post.

I also need to work on some Christmas posts, to do this might mean I skip a day reading blogs because there is only so much I can do in a day or maybe that should read morning. I am a morning person, after lunch I am not one for doing much of anything.

I have started writing down what gifts I have stored away, done three boxes so far still have a heavy larger box to do will need someone to drag it out into the lounge room for me as it is too heavy for me to get it out from under the bed and drag it out to the lounge room. I prefer to do this when Tim isn't home so I don't have to listen to him complain about how much I buy and ask why I bought this thing or that thing.

Jessica has had another student added to her school run morning and afternoon and this means it is now around 4.10pm by the time she gets home in the afternoon so I have close to an hour that I am sitting in the car waiting for her to get home. Leo goes inside and plays his Xbox, I could go inside too if I wanted to but I am ok just sitting in the car reading. Only 2 ½ weeks of school to go before they break up for the Christmas holidays, that is the big holidays around 6-7 weeks off school they will go back at the end of January.

I also want to get my Christmas decorations out and start to decorate the house for Christmas and when school breaks up Leo wants me to take him shopping for a Christmas present for his mum.

I have managed to do a heap of Christmas cards still have a heap to do, I am doing a few each day because of my tremor I can only write for a short period of time before the shaking makes writing near impossible.


  1. Maybe you have shared this before, but I would love to know how Australians do Christmas. Favorite or typical foods etc.

  2. I think you should spend Christmas season with us. Boxes are lighter, Tim's not here to complain, and we might just actually get something done...

    1. How hot is it there I am used to hot Christmas Days

    2. Anywhere from "Wow, I just only need a sweater" to "Sweet Jesus, couldn't you have been born in Miami?" on Christmas...

  3. Wow, you're way ahead of me, haven't even started thinking about gifts.

  4. I need to get started on Christmas cards. You are ahead of the game it sounds like. :)

    1. Each day I do a few and post them of when I drop Leo off at school

  5. You are getting yourself organised it seems.
    Haven't done anything as yet, but will when December begins.

  6. Thanks for reminding me that Christmas is coming round the corner. So far I don't have the Christmas feel yet, hope it will catch up soon or else there will be no preparation at all. Enjoy your decoration and hope to see a post on it.

    1. Yeah getting the decorations done helps me feel the Christmas spirit

  7. December is a roller coaster. I love the season, but I so look forward to January!

  8. I've done all of my Christmas shopping already, and now I'm exhausted. While you're writing these Christmas posts of yours, feel like writing a few more for me? No? Good, me neither.

    1. Yeah for me some days I don't seem to have the time or motivation to write


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