Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Busy with Christmas stuff

Hello everyone, I am still alive and all been bloody busy with writing Christmas cards and yesterday I spent a few hours Christmas shopping, went out to get gifts for my parents and two of my daughters and sisters and of course my brother. I did manage to get some things but still have a lot more to do which I will try and do on Saturday, some people are so bloody hard to buy for so some gift cards will be bought.

After a number of hot days here yesterday was cooler and wetter, thankfully I managed to get my shopping done before it started to rain in fact it pissed down rain 5 minutes after I got home and I had to rush out and wind the windows up in the car as I had left them all down. The reason I was glad I got my shopping done before it rained was because out at Glendale it is open as in not under cover so could have got pretty wet if it rained then.

I also hired a motorised scooter to do the shopping which made it so much easier for me and allowed me to get around without being in a lot of pain.

Every morning for the last couple of weeks I have some Christmas cards to be posted, I get Leo to jump out of the car and post them for me. He also has taken things into my parents house for me when I have called around to drop things off.

Oh yeah yesterday when I was out shopping I picked up some Christmas decorations for Kathy-Lee and since I was only a couple of minutes from the day care centre that she works at I called around and dropped what I bought her off. Kathy-Lee said that I embarrassed her by calling in.

Over the weekend I started to decorate my house still have a few things to do but had to get some double sided tape to put the decorations up with.

This morning I am in light weight long pants as it is another cooler day and it is suppose to rain again today, I also have to go to the doctors after I take Leo to school, I need a script for my insulin.

I can tell you this morning it was a real effort to get out of bed, I am so bloody tied this morning and I just want to go back to bed but I have a little boy to get to school and a doctor to visit.


  1. Take a breather when you can...

  2. I would not be embarrassed by you calling in. I would be grateful to have such a devoted family member. I have no one.


  3. Good you hired a scooter, and if you do so again don't get booked for going too fast, will you? :)
    Haven't started my cards as yet, bought some yesterday, and decorations hopefully this week.

    1. I seem to be doing some every day for the last couple of weeks. The scooter I hired went very slow which was ok with me

  4. Busy lady! I've been working on cards, too. Take it easy and don't overdo it! :)


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