Monday, 11 December 2017

Christmas Cards

Let's talk about cards............Christmas card  in particular

Do you send them? Or not so much, or not at all.

Do you like to receive them? Or maybe you think they are a waste of time and just something else you need to toss in the bin.

Maybe you prefer Ecards that you can look at and forget about.

I am sure it comes as no surprise that I send Christmas cards and Ecards and I love receiving  them and have them displayed on my wall. They help decorate the house.

I don't remember when I started sending out Christmas cards been doing it for so long, my mum always sent out cards and I can remember as a child all the cards we received hanging in the lounge room.

Like my mum I also send cards to the my doctors surgery and my chemist, places I visit a bloody lot during the year. This habit she picked up from her mother.


  1. Been sending Christmas cards as long as I can remember. Started making my own in the 90s and Leah and I have been making them together now for over a decade. I make Birthday cards, too. Seems like people are sending less cards and more ecards these days.

    1. I think you are amazing to make cards, ecards are ok but I like to display my cards can't do that with an ecard

  2. I send Christmas Cards to close friends and my family as in some cousins but not all. Rarely send an ecard.
    This year my Christmas card list is rather short as we lost many people due to death this years, but that's life.
    Some people don't send cards but I always send them one as it only costs a small amount.

    1. I send ecards to bloggers as I don't have their address, yes only 65cents to send a card a small amount to let people know they are not forgotten

  3. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards and have been sending them all my adult life. I send to relatives and friends but not to the doctor or businesses. I rarely send e-cards. After Christmas I buy next year's cards on sale and I usually have Christmas postage stamps left over.

    1. I also buy my cards after Christmas in the post Christmas sales.

  4. Sadly, I no longer "do" cards and because of that, I only receive maybe a handful or two of cards. No biggie. I don't think people appreciate them like they used to, at least here. Everyone is too busy.

    1. My mum has reduced the number of people she sends to, maybe one day I will also reduce the number but not any time soon

  5. I send cards but way fewer than I did when my kids were little. I used to include family updates then too, which I don't do any more either.

    1. Since I have a lot of penpals I send a lot of cards just did another 6

  6. Our family kinda "died out" on cards after Mom passed. I remember being able to string them twice across the living room. Nowadays, we get maybe one from one diehard card-sending friend and one from our financial adviser.

    1. Yeah when I go if I go before Tim I expect he won't get any cards

  7. I do enjoy sending Christmas cards and also getting them. Hope I can get some out this year.Have a great great evening.

  8. I send physical in-the-mail cards.


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