Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Wrapping Done

This morning I finally sorted out my Christmas presents when Jessica turned up to help me the bed was covered in gifts ready to be placed in bags which Jessica helped me with but I ran out of gift bags, so I will have to get some more bags on Friday.

I also discovered that I don't have a few gifts so will have to get them on Friday as well.

Now my table is covered in gifts for the family, I am sure Tim will have something to say about the table full of gifts. He does feel like I over do it, which is why I prefer to bag them up when he isn't here, so I don't have to listen to him complain.


  1. We have done all our gifts and the wrapping.
    It's rather a business making sure everyone has the right amount or value. Fun times, love giving.

    1. Yeah it isn't till you see the piles of gifts laid out that you can really tell who has how much and what

  2. You remind me I have to wrap presents! Christmas will be here before we know it. :)

  3. We have the same conversations over here!!! I hope you get everything finished on Friday. I'm still waiting for a couple of gifts via Amazon. :D

    Have a Merry Christmas! We will be going somewhere warm. It's been a long time since we've had a real vacation!

    1. So I am not alone, nice to know, I should be done and dusted by Friday night

  4. Lamentations 3:38-9: Out of the mouth of the Most High comes both good and bad. Why then should a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?

    Read that to Tim next time he complains lol!

    1. Ok can do but whether he gets it or not will be the thing

  5. Dear Jo-Anne, I, too, finally got all my gifts wrapped. And, like you again, I probably went a little overboard this year and spent more than I planned. But oh, the joy that friends and family will have when they open the gifts! May this season of hope and expectation bless you in all your giving. Peace.

    1. Yes it is all about the joy the receiver gets when they open their gifts

  6. I think you're generous. You're not going overboard unless you give so many gifts that you don't have enough money to eat.


  7. It's your prerogative to overdue, especially in generosity to your family. Have a lovely Christmas.

  8. He kind of sounds like my hubs! lol Enjoy your Christmas!!


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