Wednesday, 27 December 2017

My Christmas

Well Christmas is done and dusted for another year did everyone have a good day, I hope so..........

Christmas for me was pretty good, Christmas morning saw me up at 7.50am, Tim was already at work so I was alone, around 10ish I packed the car with gifts and went to my parents place for lunch.

It was a quiet Christmas lunch with only 6 of us there for lunch, although many people called in to see mum & dad or should that read nan & pop any way it was around 11ish when all the visitors had left and we could start preparing lunch.

I left and came home around 1.30pm and felt exhausted so decided to have a bath before having a lay down.

When Tim got home at around 7.30pm we exchanged gifts and then I went to bed as Boxing Day was going to be a big day and it was.

I had all the girls and grandchildren here for lunch yesterday (Boxing Day), I did a full baked lunch Kathy-Lee and Natasha helped me with the cooking which was nice and a big help.

I did get a lot of nice presents and felt loved and appreciated by all my family.


  1. Hopefully, you didn't get knocked out on Boxing Day.
    Could be I'm thinking the wrong type of boxing, though.

    1. None of that boxing done in this house, it was a good day all in all

  2. Happy Birthday to you, Jo-Anne! Great to celebration with love ones!

    1. Thanks I had a good birthday it was last month but my daughter is giving me a joint birthday/Christmas present

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely couple of days, I'm so happy for you.

  4. I am not sure what boxing day is either - but hope you enjoyed it.

    1. It is just the day after Christmas, the reason it is called Boxing Day I do not know

  5. Lovely gift there Jo-Anne.
    We had a good Christmas but the little ones here didn't sleep well the night before Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve - they were too excited :)
    Happy New Year.

    1. As are many little ones as well as some not so little ones

  6. I love the idea of Boxing Day. I'm glad it was a good one. Christmas was good for us but very hectic.

    1. Yeah hectic is often the case and it is nice when we are alone and its quiet

  7. Sounds like you had a good holiday. I've heard of boxing day, but not quite sure what it is! Sounds like you had a good one, though. :) We had a nice Christmas. Just the 4 of us here for Christmas day. We managed to be extremely lazy the whole day.

    1. Lazy is good, I like being lazy and doing bugga all

  8. It feels nice to be loved and appreciated by family. I'm happy yours made you feel that way. I loved Christmas this year. Seems every year, I love it more and more.

    1. Oh yes it does feel nice indeed and I am blessed to be part of an awesome family


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