Thursday, 21 December 2017

Not so hot but oh so tired

Good afternoon everyone, a much cooler day today, with temps in the mid 20's after a few days of stinking hot weather, yesterday it was 44°c here.

This morning I slept in till around 9am and as soon as I got up I got dressed and went to the shops before Tim had to go to work so now I have a quiet peaceful afternoon ahead of me. Had to get a few more gift bags and a couple of more presents.

Tomorrow I will have to set my alarm so I can be up dressed and out of the house by 8am as tomorrow is Friday and going to be a long and busy morning/day.

I have no motivation to do anything today but when I got home I found Natasha had brought over her laundry for me to do she said she will pick it up tomorrow.


  1. I love peace and wish I could buy it! lol

  2. Have a good day tomorrow and don't over do it, it's not good for us :)

  3. Glad you got a bit of a break. Still hard to believe your kids can't fathom the workings of a washing machine though.

  4. It's warm here for December. But cooler weather is on the way.
    Merry Christmas Jo-Anne.

  5. Peace really is such a great thing. We had such a nice peaceful day today.It is fairly warm here which is nice. A very Merry Christmas to all of you.

  6. Hope that your quiet, peaceful afternoon came to fruition! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


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