Thursday, 2 November 2017

Thursday Catchup

Hello everyone, damn it is Thursday already where has the week gone, during the lead up to Christmas starting from the beginning of November the weeks seem to go by faster for me.

Yesterday I woke up with heavy aching feet/legs they felt like I had been standing on them all night, weird or what but I still did half and hour of exercise and my aqua aerobics. This morning the same thing aching legs and feet but I reckon the aqua aerobics are starting to kick in and that is why my legs are aching today but my feet I really don't get whey they are so sore and aching, oh and yeah they are swollen like I have fluid retained in my feet. Again I got up and did half and hour of exercising.

This afternoon I don't need to get Leo from school as Kelli is picking him up, her, Jess and their boys are going to see their friend Jay who lives near Casino they are driving up and will be sharing the driving.

Jessica has asked Tasha to feed her bunnies while she is gone but if she doesn't I will do it I will know if she does it or not as she would have to get the key off me.

Two afternoons this week Tim picked Leo up from school on the motorbike which Leo loved and that allowed me to have a nap so I was happy with that too.

The older Leo gets the more of a help he is to me, empting bins and doing little things around the house and last night he helped papa take the bins up to the street ready to be emptied today and this morning because it was empty he brought down the recycle bin for me.

Well that's all from me for this post............


  1. I think the time flies during this time of year as well. I can't believe we're 2 months away from 2018.
    I would keep an eye on your feet and legs. Definitely requires a trip to the doctor if for nothing more than peace of mind. Are you keeping your feet elevated? That helps with swelling but still, please do see your doctor. Happy November. :)

    1. I am often seeing a doctor and had a few tests like Xray and ultrasound but no answer for the pain, I do put my feet up a lot

  2. Good job, Leo! My feet have been giving me problems of late as well, not like yours though. Think I have a bone bruise on the right, and a "quit sticking me under the bin at work for leverage" complaint on the top of the other.

    1. I wouldn't wish my leg problems on anyone I like, my worse enemy yeah they can have them but I don't really have enemies just saying

  3. That is so lovely of Leo to help with the chores.

  4. I'm so glad to hear that Leo is helping you out more and more, especially with the ongoing pain you experience, I'm sure it makes a big difference.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that your legs are still in pain but glad Leo is able to help out more around your place.


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