Thursday, 23 November 2017

Organised for the holidays Yes or Not

Hello everyone didn't get around to doing a post yesterday no reason why just didn't. Anyway here I am on this lovely Thursday morning starting a post about what, let me think what should I write about, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Well with the Christmas holidays just around the corner let us talk about being organised for the holidays.

How do you stay organised?

What do you think about me, how organised do you think I would be?

Should I answer that question here and now, or should I wait till tomorrow to answer it, maybe I will wait and see what others think before I answer, yes that is what I will do I will do a post tomorrow answering that question that way I get two posts out of one question.


  1. Haha - I used to be organized - now I am much less organized by choice and it feels better!
    It must be weird having Christmas in the summer.
    Merry Christmas. Sandie

    1. Hot Christmas days are the norm for me can't imagine anything else. If being less organised feels good for you then that is what matters

  2. I have no clue what the holidays will bring, except dinner here Friday. Gift cards, everyone!

  3. Got the cards made but haven't get them ready to mail yet. Just got presents for the grandsons and need to wrap more organized than I have ever been before--LOL! ;)

    1. I spent the weekend writing Christmas cards and starting a list of gifts I have here.

  4. I bet you have everything organised for all your family. Not me. I wait for them to do it.

  5. Always fairly organized down here Jo-Anne - have to buy Christmas Cards but haven't found any as yet, think they are hiding.

  6. I don't think y'all celebrate Thanksgiving over there, but I hope the day has been a good one for you and your family.

    1. Nope no Thanksgiving here but it was a good weekend


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