Saturday, 28 October 2017

Christmas Shopping

Have you started your Christmas shopping?

All the stores now have Christmas decorations and trees as well as cards for sale, in fact these items go one sale far too early for my liking.

As some of you may know I start my Christmas shopping in January and like to buy stuff all year round and keep it stored in a gift box under the bed which in January is near empty but by this time of year the gifts are stored in two boxes. I also have a box of Avon which I have bought during the year which I also give as gifts.

Last week I started buying the special Christmas cards for my sisters, brother and mum & dad. I also order some personalised Christmas cards from Vistaprint which I send to penpals and other family members.

Tim of course says I spend to much on Christmas in general and presents in particular which annoys me, you would think after 33yrs he would know how much I love Christmas.


  1. Sometimes I order and buy cards from Vistaprint but haven't this year, can't find anything different.

    1. I only get some Christmas cards haven't done so yet but should do so soon

  2. i have one or two presents put aside. i don't send as many cards as i used to.

    1. I have a large family so really need to buy stuff all year round

  3. Have I started? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!

    1. You're a man, I don't know any man who starts early unless they think early on Christmas Eve counts

  4. I've started shopping. I gather things throughout the year, but I'm starting to go into serious Christmas mode. I love giving gifts.


    1. A woman after my own heart, I love giving too a tad more then I love receiving

  5. I would have to agree that they begin putting Christmas stuff out waaaay too early! I have not even begun to think about gifts yet. We usually only by for our own kids, anyway. Everyone else gets either family dinner on Christmas eve (which is our gift) and family photos. . . .which reminds me, I better get on the plan for those photos!

    1. I give to a lot of people my daughters, grandchildren, parents, siblings and a couple of nieces and nephews around 25 people in total

  6. I buy all year long too. Most times I am done well before.


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