Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Home again

Hello everyone I am home now after being away for 9 nights dog/house sitting will be good to sleep in my own bed.

Last night Leo was restless and around 2am he came into me upset because he was unable to sleep, I told him to lay next to me and have a cuddle which he did and in minutes he was asleep in my arms and slept till 7.50am when I woke up.

The night before (Sunday night) I had a bad nights sleep with the dogs being very unsettled and hearing a woman speaking in a whisper, it sounded like she was talking to the dogs, I believe it was Aunty Joyce. The house used to be Aunty Joyce's house before she died.

I went back to the doctor this morning about the pain in my right knee area and he said the ultrasound showed nothing and he had no idea what is causing the stinging pain in the knee area but has prescribed a pain relief patch.

It is called Norspan this is a brand of transdermal buprenorphine (Buprenorphine (BYOO-pre-NOR-feen)('bu-pre-'nor-feen) is an opioid medication used to treat opioid addiction in the privacy of a physician’s office Buprenorphine can be dispensed for take home use, by prescription)

He wants me to give it a try for 2 weeks and go back and see him, I asked about something to help me sleep but no of course not, bet it would be different if he couldn't sleep. Anyway I will get the patch on Friday as it costs $38.80 and I don't have the money at the moment.


  1. It was sad to hear about your knee pain and your restless sleep. If we did not have good sleep it causes many problems in our health. Also it would be a great headache when they didn't find the cause for the pain.

    1. It is frustrating and depressing I have many moments when I feel like just crying with frustration.

  2. Have you ever heard Aunty Joyce whispering before? You're right about the doctor: if he couldn't sleep he'd take Ambien.


    1. Sounds like he was on Ambien when he saw you...

    2. Yes once before and my sister has seen here as have others in the family.

  3. I hope the medicine helps the pain and that helps you sleep. I don't mind being away, but I always love when I get to come back home to my own bed.

    1. Yes nothing as good as sleeping in your own bed, I will get the new medication on Friday and hopefully it will help

  4. I hope you are able to get some relief for your knee. Have you tried melatonin for sleeping? I never have. Have it in my pantry "just in case" but have never used it. Some people swear by it.

    1. I don't think I have will have to check it out, although at the moment I am sleeping better


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