Tuesday, 17 October 2017

House/Dog Sitting with Leo

Hello everyone some how I forgot to do a post yesterday don't know why just did, this week I am at my brothers place house/dog sitting while they are in Queensland for his wife's brothers wedding.

Since I have Leo Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights he is house/dog sitting with me and he is loving it, playing with the dogs and helping me take care of them he is helping me feed the fish (under supervision) also he fed the dogs last night for me. He understands that there are things he cannot touch because they don't belong to us and that he can't go into Kayla's room.

I am only at Dave's during the night since I have to take Leo to and get him from school each day after taking him to school I am coming home here after I drop him off and going back after I get Leo after school.

Blain has his first orientation day at the high school, I have to pick him up at 10.45am and drop him back at his primary school he goes for three Tuesdays this month, never did anything like that when I started high school or when my girls started high school.

Ok been and picked up Blain I was 15 minutes late, as I was given the wrong time should have been there at 10.30am. After I dropped him at school I went to my doctors appointment only to find I had the time wrong it was at 12.30 not 11.30 so changed it to next Tuesday at 9.30 which is much better for me. I can go straight after I drop Leo off at school.

I have baked some brownies this morning to take with me out to Dave's as Leo was complaining there was nothing there he liked to eat and the food tastes better at nanna's house, I made him a toasted ham and cheese sandwich last night, which he ate but said my sandwich maker is better.

Now I don't mind dog sitting but like many people I prefer my own bed, Dave's is too low and too soft and seems to be on a slant making me feel like I am going to fall out of bed and of course with my bad knee I can't get comfortable.

Leo woke up at 1am and came and woke me up as he couldn't sleep, I gave him an extra half of Catapress and even though he said he didn't get back to sleep I know he did, he does have a lot of trouble sleeping though.

Tomorrow I should find time to read some blogs today I just don't feel like I have the time and since I am here during the day I am not taking my laptop to Dave's with me.


  1. Always better to sleep in your own bed. You will be glad to be home, but it sounds like you are having a pretty good time. :)

  2. A break from home is often good for the soul.
    Got your times mixed up but don't we all sometimes.

  3. I usually feel that other beds are too soft. You're very kind about helping your brother. I hate it when I mix up times. It confuses me the rest of the day and sometimes longer.


    1. I don't mind helping but I get pissed off when I've missed up my times

  4. Wow, that's a lot of wrong times... sure it wasn't Friday the 13th?


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