Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Seeking Attention

Well hello everyone here we are on a bloody warm Wednesday afternoon I had planned to tell you all about what the doctor said but for the second day in a row he cancelled on me, my doctor is sick. I said to mum that we usually don't think about doctors getting sick but because they are human I guess they too get sick and need a day or two off work.

So instead I am going to talk a little about something my eldest daughter said to me a couple of months back, she told me that I am an attention seeker, when she said that I was what the hell. However, thinking about it she may be right, now I think we all have moments when we seek attention from time to time but she said I do it a lot, maybe I do but it isn't something I am aware of doing.

I don't knowingly play the victim but maybe at times I do, I know one of my sisters often comes across as playing the victim and I am a lot like said sister so maybe I do it too. I think this is something other people are better at noticing rarely do those who seek attention or play the victim realise they are doing so.

Are there people you know or who are in your family or life that you think are attention seekers or who play the victim?

Do you think they know they are an attention seeker or a victim player?


  1. yes, i know one who constantly complains about her health and aches and pains on her blog. i've told her that it would be good to be more positive and she agrees and then blogs the same stuff over and over again. i'm sure she doesn't know she's an attention seeker and plays the victim but as you say, maybe we all are to some degree. :)

  2. I know someone outside the family who does that. Hard to deal with after awhile. There are only so many things the listener can say, over time...

    1. So true, and at times we think things like "oh shut up" or "it's not that bad" or "I get it your life sucks or your in pain, I don't want to hear it again" but if you are like me you say nothing you just smile and agree, well I do

  3. Two of my sisters accused me of telling a lie to seek attention. It hurt me terribly. It wasn't a lie. They wanted revenge against me. If I wanted their attention so badly, then wouldn't I email and call them all the time to whine and complain or brag or whatever? Anyway, I'm not going to accuse anyone of being an attention seeker, and I haven't seen any of my sisters in years. I seldom contact them.


    1. Being accused of lying would piss me off, thankfully that hasn't happened to me I wouldn't want contact with people who called me a liar either.

  4. I think we all attention seek to some level. I know I'd like more attention than I get sometimes. But I think if you are good at giving back and not an emotional black hole where everything gets sucked in and nothing put back out, it's okay.

  5. I think you can seek attention in positive ways and in negative ways. I also think that those of us who blog must be seeking attention in some way.

    1. Yes bloggers do like some attention we like our post read

  6. Many don't realize that they seek attention Jo-Anne, and it's often a cry for someone to listen to them, as they need it.

  7. Attention seeking can be because a person is afraid they aren't being heard and of being kind of invisible. Sometimes it is the only way they did get attention growing up so it becomes a habit. I think we are often the last to recognize our own annoying habits--LOL! It's just the way people are. :)

    1. Yes it is we rarely if ever see ourselves how others see us

  8. I travel out of town to see my doctor and have to spend a night a hotel. A few months ago, she got sick but knew I was on her calendar that morning so she called me early and asked if I could come in as soon as possible so she could go back home. She's a keeper that one. Worth the overnight stay.

    I have found that some attention seeking people don't realize they are doing that type of behavior because they doing it to fill a void or a need.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I get that and after a while it becomes just the norm

  9. Yes, I know some people like that. :)


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