Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Do you read the newspaper?

Do you read the newspaper?

When I was younger I used to read the newspaper quite often but not so much now days, some days I will buy a newspaper usually on a Saturday. When I do I like to read most of it but not interested in sport or racing.

I can remember the days when we used to get the paper delivered each Saturday but haven't done that in 20 odd years.

When I was a child I remember the paper boy coming around delivering the afternoon paper, yeah back then the paper came out twice a day morning and afternoon.

I know many people read the paper via a tablet or phone or sometimes a computer but not me I just can't be bothered to do so, I am a bit old fashion I like the feel and smell of a paper or a book.


  1. Oh yes the paper boy - all gone now.
    Don't get a newspaper but a few do in our street.

    1. We have one neighbour who gets the paper delivered each day

  2. Paper delivery was my first job at age 11

  3. I haven't got the paper in a while. Last time I did, we had neighbors who used to steal the Sunday. So I started getting up early, grabbing the paper out of the bag and filling the bag with old papers and nice wet dog poop. The problem soon ended.

  4. I prefer paper to read. I have a tablet and use it but I far prefer paper to hold. feel, turn pages and enjoy.

  5. I don't read the paper anymore. I get my news from the nightly TV station or from news feeds online. I especially like Yahoo news.

  6. I get the Sunday paper only because it has the circulars in it and I want to know what's for sale. Our local paper isn't worth reading, you read a story and end up with more questions than answers so I get my news elsewhere.

    1. I also like to look through catalogues and I find the paper has only a few pages worth reading and a lot of dribble

  7. We don't get the paper anymore and I believe our local paper only delivers 2 days a week now, anyway. Maybe. When we did get it delivered it would always sit there unread.

    1. Yes that was why we stopped getting it delivered it would sit unread for days


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