Monday, 2 October 2017

Random Thoughts No:7

Hello all and here is another weeks random thoughts......................

It's bloody hot and its only spring............................

Getting away for a few days in the caravan, so looking forward to it..................................

Forgetting to pack long pants because it has been so hot and having cold legs, thankfully I had a blanket in the boot of the car to throw over my legs............................

Sitting around doing nothing much and enjoying it...........................

So fed up with my shaking hand it is difficult to hold a glass to have a drink....................

Tim admitting I was onto something with my doubts about getting a caravan...................

Tim caught a baby shark....................and let it go again........................

Then Tim caught a bigger fish and was so happy..........................

Coming home to my own bed and a hot bath, so good.........................

Feeling really tired and not knowing why...........................

Leo here for four nights, while his mum goes to visit a friend, who lives 6hrs away by train..........

Leo going out with papa on the motorbike...............................


  1. Sounds like a kind of OK day. Hope things get better for you. Take care.

  2. It must be nice to get away for a while. Its always nice to get home again.

  3. You are swamped with everything. I am a witness that says that is not a good thing. Been there and went through that.

  4. I hope you can see a competent doctor who can diagnose the cause of your tremors because what if they're neurological? You need to know!!!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....