Tuesday, 25 August 2020



Hello everyone I am here, restless and feeling like I can't stand or sit still. Anyway I am moving on from indestructible plants to other indestructible stuff such as Thermococcus, heard of it, nope me neither......

They're micro-organisms, tiny single cell creatures that we can only see through a microscope and the Thermococcus is the toughest.

Thermococcus is one of a group of tiny, single celled living things known as archaea and it likes a hot bath...........

They are found in water so hot it would scald a person to death in seconds. They are happiest in smoking hot hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the sea or hot springs close to volcanoes, where the water is typically between 80-100 degrees Celsius or 176-212 Fahrenheit......That is bloody hot

One type of Thermococcus called Thermococcus Gammatolerans can withstand high doses of radiation such as the deadly stuff given off by radioactive substances or nuclear explosions. In fact this micro-organism an cope with 6000 times more radiation than it would take to kill a human.


  1. Seems like we could use that for something???

  2. Life seems to be able to exist almost everywhere on earth. That's why I cannot believe we are the only planet where it can be found. ;)

  3. This is an interesting post. Learning something new today. Have a great day.

  4. Never heard of it either.
    The things that live we have no idea.

  5. Wow - I did not know this. I don't plan on taking a really HOT bath anytime soon.

  6. I've seen this a lot on nature shows...Amazes me, the persistence of life.

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hah, you're now entering the world that our business is all about. Micro-organisms and making a selection of those that we want/need for growing the Agaricus mushroom. There are a lot of competitors and we have to try to kill off most of them. You mention the high temperature range, and this is an extreme species. Most die at a certain temperature so it is easy to kill them off and end up with a selective substrate.
    Our book is describing lots of pages about the scientific facts of micro-organisms!
    Enough for here, this is not science but friendship.

  8. Science is so fascinating, amazing that there is a tiny little micro-organism that can live in such a scalding hot environment.

  9. Sandie......But what would that be

    Rita......I deel the same

    Nncy......You're welcome

    Margaret D........Me either

    Debby.......I love a ot bath, just not that hot


    Chris.....It's fascinating

    Mariette....,.Sounds so interesting, hope you liked the post

    Karen.....Yes it is


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