Friday, 21 August 2020

Facts about me


Hello Friday, or maybe it is goodbye Thursday or good afternoon Friday depending on were you live.

This Friday I am just listing five random facts about me.

I was born premature back in 1962 when 6 weeks early was a big deal.

I am the eldest of five children, with 3 sisters & 1 brother

I am married to Tim

We have 3 daughters & 4 grandchildren

I am part of a close family


  1. Nice to know and remember these things Jo-Anne.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing these facts about you. You are blessed and surrounded with love ones.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    You're still young and being the eldest (alive) I know how that feels. My older sister died at birth, always missed her and wonder how she would have been.
    There were eight of us in total.

  4. You are so blessed to have siblings left around you.

  5. I'm the eldest too - but a bit older than you.

  6. Wow, that premature back in the early 60s, you are lucky to be alive.

  7. Thanks for sharing this. How lucky you are to have four grandchildren!

  8. Margaret D.......I think so

    Natalia......You're welcome

    Nancy......Pleased you liked the post and yeah I am blessed

    Mariette......I like being the eldest

    Sandie.......I know I am and that we like each other

    Debby.......I like being number 1 child

    Karen......Yes at the time they didn't expect me to live

    Mama......I know and I see them every week

  9. You are so fortunate that you have a family, especially siblings that you're close to....I'm an only child, and it is not fun! I can't wait to be a grandmother one day. :D

    Ricki Jill

  10. Wow, a premie! I wish our family was as close as yours, for all the head butting.

  11. I wish I still had my brothers and parents but they are gone. I do have my children though they live apart from me.


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