Friday, 14 August 2020

New Neighbours


Hello everyone, as you are aware I do not post on Fridays but I am today posting nothing much but none of my posts are something much, just saying................

We are getting new neighbours looking straight out my front door you see a brick wall which is the wall of unit 15 and that's the unit getting new neighbours, this unit is opposite Natasha. The new occupants are single mother and her 12yr old son they swapped with the woman who was there also a single mother with a young daughter who has disabilities and need a home with a bath tub for her daughter.

They signed new leases yesterday and have been busy moving the last few days.

Of course our new neighbours are Jessica & Leo.

Most children grow up and move away from mum and dad which my did but now in their early 30 two of my girls have moved back to live in the same complex as mum & dad. Mum & Dad aka Me & Papa thrilled.

Daughter number one is a little envious but her life is going in a different and equally exciting path which I am unable to discuss here.


  1. Hope this new neighbour will adapt and get along well with everyone. Good to have children moving back to stay with mom and dad. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Well that's a lovely thing to happen, close. Bet you are excited too.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    So happy for you that in the end it still did work out with this home!
    Must feel great for having your daughters nearby.

  4. New neighbors can be exheitlating or a pain in the butt. I hope yours are great!

  5. Glad you got that swap thing worked out! Can't say I grasp your ways of doing this In Australia, but if I ever move there I'll come to you for advice!

  6. As the mother of a son who moved 8 hours away all I can say is that I'm incredibly jealous. Lucky you!

  7. It can be comforting to have family close as you get older.

  8. Nancy, Yes it is great having them so close

    Margaret D.....Very excitied'

    Mariette.....Yes I am very happy

    Debby.....Since I have known them both since birth should be ok

    Chris......What's there to grasp? We live in public housing and if two tentents want tok swap homes the apply and if approved they sign new leases and move

    Karen.......I get that

    Diane B........Yes it is


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