Monday, 24 August 2020


Good morning, another cold day here in Newie and another day for facts about stuff.

The main library at Indiana University sinks over an inch each year because when it was built, the engineers failed to take into account the weight of the books that would be stored there.

The “Flower of Kent” is a large green-skinned apple variety, and is thought to have been the kind that hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, prompting him to explore the theory og gravity.

The French are believed to eat as much as 40,000 metric tons of snails each year.

Snails have been eaten as food since at least ancient Roman times, in the oldest surviving cook book there was a recipe for snails.

Once the famous Italian Opera singer Luciano Pavarotti was once applauded for one hour seventeen minutes. I find that hard to believe.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Haha, the main library of Indiana has become a nice legend!
    There is nothing wrong with anyone eating snails, if they like them...
    As for the applaus for Pavarotti over seventy seven minutes; common?! Don't believe that either.
    Hugs and hope it soon is spring weather in your area!

  2. Doesn't sound good for the library's future.
    Goodness, that is a very long time to clap for a singer, he must have been excellent in that particular concert or Opera.
    Take care.

  3. Looks like the library will have to shift in the near future since it is sinking under the weight of the books.

  4. Indiana library: That's because they subcontracted to Purdue University engineers...

  5. mariette.....Yeah eating snails are a personal choice.

    Margaret D......I agree about the library

    Nancy.......Yes it does

    Chris.......Thanks for a laugh

  6. I find it hard to believe too. But the snails..yeah...they would have them for eating I guess. The thought makes me want to upchuck.


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