Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Nothing Much

 Oh world it is the middle of the day, I have heartburn aka indigestion and it sucks, I have taken antacids but nope they didn't help.

I sit here today trying to thing of something to write about, I have read and commented on a heap of blogs. I have vacuumed out emptied the household bins as it is bin day tomorrow.

I have unpacked the dishwasher and have started getting the clothes off the line as this morning I had to wear an pair of leggings I don't wear very often as I get hot in them.

I will write some letters this afternoon.


  1. Indigestion is very uncomfortable. It happens to me sometimes. I have to tidy up my wardrobe but am too lazy to get things done in this hot weather.

  2. Jo-Anne, I think many of us here in Aus are finding this winter very long and difficult to endure. I have even cleaned the grout between the tiles in my kitchen with an old toothbrush! I think I must be going crazy.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, that is not a good feeling for having heartburn. I seldom have it and if, only for a brief moment. My Mom & Dad had it a lot more frequently...
    The weather here is still damp and rainy for as long as this hurricane Laura lurks in the Gulf of Mexico. That too will pass but with time.
    Not yet received my eBook file, my patience is being tested.
    One day, that too will be over with...

  4. Hope you're feeling better. We're just listening to news on this hurricane. Luckily from far away.

  5. Indigestion is awful. I have GERD and Irritable Bowel syndrome. It has changed the way I now eat.

  6. Nancy.......Indigestion sucks, I get it far too often

    Rosie......Yes iy has been a long cold winter

    Nariette......Yeo I don't like it

    Chris......Today is better

    Debby.......That it is


Saudi Arabia

  Ok this week we are looking at Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. Located in the centre of t...