Sunday, 30 August 2020

Just another week in my life

Another sleep in till 7.30ish, after my morning wash I was getting dressed when Kathy rang and to tell me there block of land now says sold.

Last night at 11pm we were woken up by Leo outside he needed nighttime medication I got up and found some for him.

When I got up I found a cup of noodles and a note on my desk asking me to ring Coles and let them know that the cup's lid was half opened even though the plastic around the noodles was intact. I rang and they credit us the $1.60 to come off our next order.

Kelli & her kids turned up at round midday she helped me do the medication which was good.

Kelli had a fright as the boys where suppose to be watching her and she ran off up the driveway and Kelli had to run after her. This gave Kelli a right fright, she ended up having a cry.

Jess & Kelli got KFC for lunch I didn't want any.

Awake with the alarm again to another bloody cold morning, cold enough for 2 pair of socks on my feet.

Leo came over at 7.35 but had to go home again as he forgot his school pants.

I am shaking so bloody much today.

Tim home at 2pm a short day.

I was on the phone to mum when my alarm for Leo went off and in 5 mins Leo walked into his house and Tasha rang to tell me he was home much earlier then expected. My chat to mum was cut short.

Tasha made rissoles and chips for tea which was nice.

Another day, still cold, not raining and of course I got up at 6.15 when the alarm went off. Tasha came and helped me dress, yes I can dress myself but it takes ages when I have help it takes a couple of minutes.

At around 1.30 Tasha summoned me to her house to see a car parked on her front lawn. It is her new car a 2012 Toyota Camry Atara, it is grey in colour.

Tim arrived home around the same time, his new phone arrived and it has a cracked screen, so he is doing an online chat with Ebay. Turned out he had the wrong Ebay account, I checked my computer book but nope nothing there to help. He changes passwords and stuff so often he forgets what they are.

Jess arrived and helped him I don't know what the outcome was.

I woke at 5.15 when Tim was getting ready for work. I was unable to go back to sleep at 5.45 I turned the heater on to warm the room before I got dressed. I am wearing tight black leggings because everything else is on the line.

Tim heard from Ebay, they said the add said sold as is, so he is stuffed. I will find out more tomorrow.

Tasha has brought down Blain's school assignments for me to look at which I will do tomorrow.

I was surprised when the alarm went off I slept all night not waking at all.

Tim was still asleep so I checked what time he started which was 8am. so I got dressed in the bathroom.

It has been a warm day and I have done nothing all day answered another 2 letters.

The alarm went off and I thought all ready, it felt like a short night because I slept through.

I have been lucky to see Kelli & Jonathon and of course Freya, Daemon is at school. I don't see Jono very often but I do like it when I do.

Jessica will come over and helped me get ready for me while Tasha drives Blain to his fathers.

It has been a pretty warm day.

No sleep in this morning I woke at 6.25 and got up and after I peed I head out to the kitchen and found Tasha in the laundry putting on a load of washing.

Kathy & the girls came over and while Kathy showered me the girls went over to see Leo.

After Kathy & Syd & Leo helped Natasha cut back the tree in her front yard.

Jessica at work all day doing a wine tour.



  1. Hi Jo-Anne - as you say ... lots going on - glad you're coping. Take care and have a good week ahead - all the best - Hilary

  2. I gave up on e-bay when, as a bottle cap collector, I ordered some obsolete caps from a dude who thought it would be a good idea to send them in a regular envelope. I got the envelope, but of course the postal services various belts and machinery had pushed the caps out through the paper of the envelope, and all that was left inside were some stamps I guess the idiot was trying to send to someone else. That person, I assume, was just as happy with his envelope full of nothing.

  3. Another busy week to keep you occupied. Hope you are doing fine. Congrats on Tasha's new car.

  4. Busy week!

    I do miss KFC. Mostly because I can no longer eat it (it's not gluten free and the grilled chicken is no longer on the menu) and they closed the one by us.

    I did like the mashed potatoes though.

  5. Hilary.......Just so same, same

    Chris......Yes it is hit and miss with Ebay

    Nancy........Yes just another week

    Juli......Yes it was, Tim loves KFC mashed spuds


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