Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Lichen Plant Day

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Hello world, how is everyone this cold Aussie morning, Leo is at school and Tim is home till 1.30 as he has a split shift.

It is plant day and today's plant is Lichen, heard of it, it's a pretty tough plant with it's only weakness acid and being eaten.

They don't need soil, they set up home on all kinds of surfaces such as rocks, trees, walls, metal, statues, soil and old bones and even old dried out poo, yeah you read that right.

They can even survive extreme cold, drought and heat, so they are found in deserts and high mountains including around the poles, as well as everywhere else.

However, acid rain containing chemicals from pollution can damage them.

They are actually made up of two creatures living together, a fungus and another type of living thing such as algae or bacteria. They can make food using sunlight as plants do.

The fungus surrounds the algae or bacteria and protects them from cold, heat and drying out. It also soaks up water from its surroundings. Inside the algae or bacteria use sunlight to make food which is shared with the fungus.

Lichens have been sent into space and survived without a problem, scientists think lichen-like living things also known as aliens may one day be found on other planets.


  1. I have heard of them - but I had no idea all the information on them.
    Can you eat them?
    Not so sure about that.

  2. Interesting facts which I didn't know about. I think I have seen them but thought that they are just some sort of algae.

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - they are amazing plants ... and can tell us age of things too ... many types are found in churchyards ... I love seeing them ... they're all over the walls, pavements etc here ... take care - Hilary

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, Lichen are very interesting and together with other fungus, such as all toadstools, they are part of the Plant Kingdom.
    Love mosses more though, they’re more velvety and pretty.
    We’re enjoying nice weather and luckily the forecast for Hurricane weather and rain is not true.
    Often the weather channel exaggerates!
    So we enjoy our time for some swimming and relaxing.

  5. grew up with that stuff on our oak trees.

  6. I had heard of lichen but didn't realize how little I knew about them. Two creatures living symbiotically, that's fascinating.

  7. Sandie.......I also have heard of them butknew zero about them.

    Margaret D.....I agree

    Nancy.....Same here

    Hilary.....I also have seen them around

    Mariette.....So true

    Chris......How cool

    Karen,,,,,...They are so interesting

  8. I sure don't like those things though.


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